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Thursday, 04/01/2021 11:26:29 PM

Thursday, April 01, 2021 11:26:29 PM

Post# of 12637
Did any of this come to fruition?

By: RapidRobert2
17 Dec 2006, 01:19 PM EST Msg.172557 of 172562
(Msg. is a reply to by None.)
Just released, updated 37 positivereasons for Vertical Computer Systems andsubsidiaries. The list is growing and when VCSYmakes the announcements we know are coming (justnot certain 'when'), the list will continue torapidly grow. These are important developmentsfor shareholders of VCSY so we know ourinvestment is safe (especially with the PR byNOW Solutions December 15th) and we wait formanagement to proceed to the point they willtalk to the shareholders again. I have hope,with the PR by NOW Solutions, that managementwill follow through in the near future withupdates about Vertical Computer Systems.

Please do your own research and not relyon this post or ANY board to make your financialdecisions.

NOW Solutions

Vertical Computer Systems

1. VCSY returned to the OTCBB fortrading. Luiz Valdetaro stated in July 2006 "thecompany philosophy is working to build aprofitable and substantial company". And, itappears Mr. Valdetaro and Richard Wade are nowmaking it happen.

2. Website is updated,and impressive site with an explanation of allthe products. NOW Solutions provides informationon 'partners' using 'emPath' and links.

3. The 'fiber Optic' patent by>'Fiber Optic' patent announced. Link to USpatent office: COLOR="FF0020"<COmputer+SYSTEMS%22&OS=

4. 'emily' 'emily framework' patentpending number 09/888329

5. 'XMLEnabler' patent. "WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2006

The U.S. Patent & Trademark OfficeIssues Vertical Computer Systems a PatentCovering Various Aspects of The XML EnablerAgent

Fort Worth, TX, July 13, 2006 – Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (OTCBB: VCSY)announced today that the United States Patentand Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued a patentto VCSY for a “Web-based collaborative datacollection system.” The patent number is7,076,521 and the patent was issued for 41patent claims."
Link to patent office:,076,521&OS=7,076,521&RS=7,076,521

6. 'SiteFlash' is the first the patentlawyers (see number 27) are investigating forpatent infringement cases. And, Luiz, TechChief, stated in July "we believe that there area lot out there using our patent forsite-flash."

SiteFlash" patent 6,826,744link:,826,744.PN.&OS=PN/6,826,744&RS=PN/6,826,744

7. NOW Solutions and VCSY open office inBrazil. See other reason below (number 28) onprogress in Brazil with more marketing.

8. NOW Solutions announcing new businessAND partnership with IBM...If the subsidiary ofVCSY is working with IBM, I think it is highlylikely VCSY is also working with IBM RE:patents.

9. Vertical Computer Systemsadds more security to their products and thethree top people at TecSec are high profile andconnected guys that can open doors for Verticaland their software.
THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006Vertical Computer Systems Adds Constructive KeyManagement® to its Security Solution SoftwareOfferings through an Agreement with TecSec...

" TecSec's leadership personnel are:
John R. Petty, Chairman
Edward M.Scheidt, Founder & Chief Scientist
C.Jay Wack, Board Member responsible for NewMarket Segments

Ed Scheidt, Founder& Chief Scientist
Before founding TecSecin 1990, Ed held a variety of positions duringhis 26-year career at the US CentralIntelligence Agency. He was Chairman of aCryptographic Center at the CIA prior toretiring. Stemming from an operationalbackground, Ed recognized the changing nature ofcommunication patterns as PCs proliferated andwere then formed into networks. Encryption thatoriginated for primarily one-to-onecommunications faced new and substantiallydifferent key management requirements in largenetwork or virtual network environments. ANSIX9.69 standard reflects this reality.

Informing TecSec and building the company's largeIP library, he anticipated the flexibility andmobility required of 21st Century communicationsystems with a key management system that isprimarily client-based and much less dependentupon a central server. The relative scalabilityachieved by this approach, together withencryption at the object level, providesenforced role based access and granularity nototherwise available. Ed remains deeply involvedin the company's product development andexpanding application solutions, just as he isin general management.

John Petty,Chairman
John commenced with TecSec in 1996as investor and full-time business advisor.John's business experience began in the 1950s atChase Bank. He served in the US Treasury for sixyears under both Presidents Johnson and Nixon,primarily as Assistant Secretary forInternational Affairs. In 1972, he joined LehmanBrothers as a partner and Director. From late1976 until 1988 he was President or Chairman CEOof Marine Midland Bank, up to its 100%acquisition by HSBC.

Subsequently, hechaired the Inter-American Development Bank'sHigh Level Review Committee, an internationalgroup, to advise on the development strategy ofthe Bank for the 1990s. Early in the 1990s, heformed the Federal National Services family ofcompanies as well as the Czechoslovak AmericanEnterprise Fund (venture capital). John becameChairman of TecSec in 1997. Since 1972 John hasserved or serves on public Boards of Directors,including RCA, NBC, HSBC, Hercules Inc., Himont,Inc., Equity Funding Inc., Anixter Internationaland ARRIS.

10. Lawsuit against Ross Systems(CDC aka chinadotcom) moving toward a jury trialnext year with next appearance in Front of theHonorable Judge Lowe, New York Supreme Court,December 18, 2006. We should receive a PR aboutthis soon with notice VCSY appeals the decisionof Judge Lowe on the 'summary' judgment motionsLowe decided on November 30, 2006.

11.Company HQ moved to Ft. Worth, TX. NOW SolutionsHQ was in Ft. Worth so VCSY moved in so savecosts and to be able to work with NOW Solutionson the products of the two companies with otherpartnerships each have with other companies.

12. Company is talking more toshareholders but not able to tell everythingthat is going on until they must....The 'XMLEnabler' patent an example since the companyissued a PR only after it was posted on a publicboard. The company went back into 'silence' modeafter the July PR release so we wait untilmanagement once again will start to informshareholders of what is going on. I don't likethe 'silence' from management but we should soonsee if they have a good reason for it.

13. More 'Consultants' listed in latestSEC filing as working for the company than inthe past.

14. Restructure of debt,announced in a PR and SEC Filing.

15.New subsidiary, Taladin, Inc., with newmanagement team in place, per SEC Filing May 14,2006..

16. 'ResponseFlash' being used byEmergency Management in Marion County, Indianawith proposals to more city, state andgovernment agencies (Homeland Security)."Government Internet Systems, Inc.

TheCompany's 81.5% owned subsidiary, GIS, a Nevadacorporation was formerly Emily(R) Solutions,Inc. The Company will license its proprietarytechnology, ResponseFlash(TM), to GIS to marketand distribute this technology to governmententities (excluding state universities andschools) in the United States. GIS seeks toenter into agreements to distribute othernon-Company
products particularly in thehomeland security sector. GIS has alreadyentered into co-marketing agreements with Basix1and InfraHealth. The Company has completeddevelopment and installation ofResponseFlash(TM) for the Metropolitan EmergencyCommunications Agency, Indiana. The Company hassubmitted proposals to various city, county andstate governments."

17. The Company'ssoftware products that are presently being soldare HRIS emPath(R) 6.3, ResponseFlash(TM),SiteFlash(TM), NewsFlash(TM), and Emily(R) with'XML Enabler' plus the 'Security Suite' ofproducts.

18 The doors have remainedopen, new debt financing (financial institutionsdo NOT provide funding unless they know theywill get the money back). This is major progresson the debt of the company and for the future.

19. Excellent management team at NOWSolutions and Vertical Computer Systems. Seeadditional reasons 33 and 34 below.

20.The company attracted four 'Expert in theirfields' inventors to sign over the rights totheir important 'Patents'...and, inventors haveto know a company will max out the value oftheir patents before they sign off on them witha company...and VCSY got four to come on board,that speaks probably higher than most on thislist of why VCSY will be a HUGE success in thenot to distant future (THIS YEAR).

21.Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. Ranked Number 56Fastest Growing Technology Company in NorthAmerica on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast500..PR below.

22. The two majorinsiders hold 260 Million shares and have NOTsold one share for years. Management hasconfidence in the company and GROWTH potentialand are holding shares until the company goes tothe NASDAQ. Stock trades like one with 'under'25 million shares in the float.

23. VCSYhas formed a new company (This patent has thepotential of being a multi-BILLION dollarcompany by itself. "Apr 26, 2006 (PRIMEZONE viaCOMTEX) -- Vertical Computer Systems, Inc.(OTCBB:VCSY) announced today that the companyhas formed OptVision Research, Inc. (OptVisionResearch), a Texas corporation. OptVisionResearch will research and develop applicationsof a USPTO patent (No. 6,718,103) for aninvention for "Transmission of Images over aSingle Filament Fiber Optic Cable" that wasissued to VCSY." Luiz, Chief Tech at Vertical,commmented in July "he added that he estimatedthe cost of a prototype at $2 million and saidweigh that against something that could be worthbillions. As to specific applications, he statedthat it has a million potential applications."

To read the 'Fiber Optic' patentyourself...go to this link: COLOR="FF0020"<COmputer+SYSTEMS%22&OS="Vertical+COmputer+SYSTEMS"&RS="Vertical+COmputer+SYSTEMS"

24. More increased 'Security' forthe line of products by VCSY with the limitedrights to market the 'security'. And, VCSY ismarketing these three security technologies as a'suite' of security programs together.
"May3, 2006 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- VerticalComputer Systems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY) announcedtoday that the company and its subsidiaries haveacquired the rights for the ImmuneApp securitysoftware solution on a partially exclusivebasis."..." VCSY has acquired exclusive rightsfor all users in Brazil and in the healthcareindustry in the United States and Canada, aswell as for governmental users who aregovernmental subdivisions or units below thefederal or state government in the United Statesand their equivalents in Canada. VCSY maydistribute the software to any other users on anon-exclusive basis."

Securityprotection for the VCSY family of software,something even Microsoft can't do today.'Government' users, I think this would alsoinclude 'Homeland Security' for PROTECTION ofthe United States. I'm stressing this because itis an important issue for the government to use'protected' software that can't be hacked fordisruption of the service. NOW Solutions and'emPath' is continuing to attract attention andwill be interesting to read the deal with IBMafter they announce using 'emPath' bundled withIBM software. And, with built=in SECURITY!!! AVERY important event for Vertical ComputerSystems and subsidiaries.

25. NOWSolutions continues to build the future withmore announced companies using 'emPath', and weare certain some deals have not been announcedas yet. This also is connected to number 36below but the PR deserves a separate number onthis list.

FORT WORTH, Texas, May 25,2006 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- NOW Solutions,Inc. announced today the addition of another newclient. LANXESS Inc. of Sarnia Ontario justsigned to license the Now Solutions' emPath(r)HRMS suite to manage their HR and Payroll needs.LANXESS Inc. is a subsidiary of the GermanLANXESS group. With its extensive productportfolio of polymers and basic, specialty andfine chemicals and its some 17,200 employees,LANXESS is one of the leading suppliers ofchemicals and polymers in Europe. "

26.Luiz Chief Tech at VCSY, when asked about IBMand VCSY, stated "He cannot commentspecifically, except to say that we are abusiness partner and work with them and thosewho partner with them".

And, AJAXrecently advised us "A TOP SOURCE IN NOW SAIDthat Now and IBM are currently engaged in "jointventures". Exact words froggy. This was monthsago. If you guys would read and do morediscussion of whats really there to read andconnect I could respect your search for truth aslegit but if all you do is bring up items thatare easy to shoot down and if you been readingfor a long time then looks to me like youre awolf ina turkey suit."

I would like moreinfo on this like who got the info but not thewho 'from' information and kill a source. Ajaxstates it happened and we can conclude he is anhonest person and sharing a lil inside info withus on Raging Bull.

27. "VerticalComputer Systems, Inc. Retains Law Firm inConnection With Licensing of United StatesPatent No. 6,826,744". So, VCSY has hired a highprofile law firm to go after 'patentinfringement' cases and/or put together licenseagreements for the VCSY patents. Either one orboth will be GREAT for Vertical Computer Systemsbecause it will give HIGH profile of the VCSYpatents and bring in revenue. This is importantnews for shareholders since the company ismoving forward on many fronts while protectingtheir intellectual properties.

And,Luiz, Chief Tech at Vertical, stated in July "VCSY has three unique patents, many others andare constantly looking to develop and acquireothers. Also, they are willing to protectagainst infringement upon their patents andproducts and enforce their rights as evidencedby their hiring counsel to address suchmatters".

28. Vertical Computer Systemsgoes International with the new subsidiaryVERTICAL DO BRASIL SISTEMAS DE COMPUTACAO(Vertical Brazil) and marketing/sales agreementwith a large Brazil company, 'Sidfinace'.Announced July 3, 2006. MORE indication Verticalis GROWING FAST!!! Please see press release at:

"FORT WORTH, Texas, Jul 5, 2006(PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Vertical ComputerSystems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY) announced today itsBrazilian subsidiary, Vertical do BrasilSistemas de Computacao ("Vertical Brazil"), hasentered into a distribution agreement withEvoluir Tecnologia e Sistemas ("Sisfinance") forthe territory of Brazil. Pursuant to the termsof the agreement, Sisfinance will market ordistribute all products offered by VCSYincluding emPath, SiteFlash (and its underlyingproducts), ImmuneApp and StatePointPlus inBrazil."

29. Tech Titans/Titan Fast 50Winners Announced At Annual Gala August 19,2005:

DALLAS (Aug. 19, 2005) The MetroplexTechnology Business Council (MTBC), the region'smost prominent organization supportingtechnology, has announced the winners for itsfifth annual Tech Titan Awards that honoroutstanding technology businesses andindividuals in the North Texas area for theircontributions this past year in nine categories.
Titan Fast 50 (five years):
1. Sychip
2. NewMarket Technology, Inc.
3. HRsmart
4. Vertical Computer Systems, Inc.
5.Zix Corporation
6. The Planet InternetServices, Inc.

30. The company hasexpanded the sales force and Luiz, Chief Tech atVCSY, stated in July " sales of software arevery profitable generating about .89 to thedollar; their sales force is 3x what it was in ’05; they now have 9 sales reps with 7 in the USand 2 in Canada."

31. The family ofproducts at Vertical Computer Systems makes agood profit margin on all the software. Forevery $1 dollar in sales, the company makes .89cents. An excellent profit. And, Luiz also ruledout any reverse split for the companyshares...Always GREAT news.

Luiz, ChiefTech Officer at VCSY, commented in July "thatr/s’s are in most all cases not a good idea fora company, and no comment on anything else.. Headded that the Brazil office and having adistributor there should provide cost savingsfor the company".

Luiz further stated "sales of software are very profitable generatingabout .89 to the dollar".

32. NOWSolutions is working with Microsoft for 'GOLD'partner certification. Now Solutions iscurrently just a 'certified partner' of MSFTwhich doesn't mean much to most of us but thestep up to 'GOLD' status opens doors at MSFT andat other companies. The company is spending upto one million bucks to adapt 'emPath' forMicrsoft products and their partners.

33. On Friday, September 09, 2006 a'Form 4' was filed with the SEC. Richard Wade,CEO, gave the company a 'gift' of 6,635,293shares. That translates into the CEO of VCSYgiving the company over $150,000. NOT many a CEOwould do that for their company but we have ONETHAT WILL and DID. No 'dilution' of the stock.What a move by a GREAT CEO!

Talk about a CEO who knows his companywill SOON make the moves ANY shareholder will beproud, and you talk about Richard Wade. I can'tstress enough how important this 'gift' by Wadeis...if not only from the point of his faith inthe company and PRODUCTS!

34. Might aswell add another since Richard Wade and LuizValdetaro have deferred some of their salariesfor years. And, that is just another sign of theconfidence the CEO and Chief Tech have in an upand coming company named Vertical ComputerSystems.

From the 10 KSB for 2005:

(1) Mr. Wade deferred $154,097, $47,218,and $155,270 of his salary in 2005, 2004, and2003, respectively. The Form 10-KSB for the yearended 2003 erroneously indicated that all of Mr.Wade's salary was deferred in 2003, when, infact, only $155,270 was deferred. Thisdiscrepancy was due to the 2003 amounts beingmischaracterized as an Employee Receivable inthe Form 10-KSB for the year ended 2003. These2003 amounts have been offset and classified toDeferred Compensation in this Form 10-KSB forthe year ended 2004. In other words, he did butcan't say it because of accounting regs.

Mr. Valdetaro deferred $50,269, $86,766and $150,000 of his salary in 2005, 2004 and2003, respectively. During 2005, Mr. Valdetaroexercised 3-year warrants and purchased1,000,000 shares of the common stock of theCompany at an exercise price of $0.005 per sharein connection with a loan he made to theCompany.

Also, Richard Wade deferred alland Luiz most of his salary for 2002.

From the SEC filing for 2002
"(1)Mr. Wade deferred $300,000 of his salary in2002.

Valdetaro deferred $137,500 of hissalary in 2002."

So, we have a CEO andChief Tech Officer that supports the companywith salary reductions when necessary and BUYINGstock when they can.

That says muchabout the character of the officers of VerticalComputer Systems. And, ALL GOOD!

35.VCSY is a 'vendor' with the 'TransactionProcessing Facility (TPF)' of IBM with licensingthe two security programs mentioned above'statepointplus' and 'immuneapl'. Money and aconnection to Big Blue, IBM.

On IBMWebsite: "Our Mission
TPF's New BusinessDevelopment team's mission is to develop andmaintain the relationships with both new, andexisting, customers of the TPF Family ofProducts. We also perform the same functions forthe vendors of software and hardware solutionscommon to the TPF data center."

36. I also think this is a major stepfor NOW Solutions and a NEW directon of servingpresent clients and many NEW clients after theroll out in January. December 15, 2006 - NowSolutions Inc. (Now Solutions), a leadingprovider of end-to-end strategic humanresources, payroll and benefit administrationsolutions announced today the rollout of a newhosted solution of its emPath® HRMS softwaresuite.

"We believe these companyinvestments represent a major step forward, andprovide our customers with a highly reliable,secure and scalable infrastructure for theirhosted solution," said Laurent Tetard,Vice-President of Operations for Now Solutions.

Press release is also copied below sinceit is another important news event for NOWSolutions and VCSY.

37. VCSY named tothe list of Metroplex TechTitans FAST 50 forsecond year with a rank of number 33. No pressrelease was issued for this special award forVCSY but it is impressive for VCSY. I think thisalso indicates things are happening at VCSYwhich they are not releasing toshareholders/investors or this would havegenerated a PR by VCSY. NO PR about the 'TPF'group with VCSY as a vendor and no PR about thisevent. Soon, folks...VCSY can not stay silentfor much longer.

"With the help of “Brainy the Brainiac” the Metroplex Technology Business Council (MTBC)held its 6th Annual Tech Titans / Titan Fast 50Awards gala Aug. 18 at the Fairmont Hotel inDallas." be continued.

FORT WORTH, Texas, Jun 6, 2006(PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Vertical ComputerSystems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY) announced today thatit has retained the law firm of Niro, Scavone,Haller & Niro on a contingency basis to actin connection with the licensing of UnitedStates Patent (U.S) No. 6,826,744, theunderlying Patent under VCSY's SiteFlash(tm) andSiteFlash-derived products.


I think that is enough forstarters to show the company is growing inimportance and ready to take their place in thesoftware world with a huge EXPLOSION.



Vertical Computer Systems FormsOptVision Research to Develop Fiber OpticsTechnology

FORT WORTH, Texas, Apr 26,2006 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Vertical ComputerSystems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY) announced today thatthe company has formed OptVision Research, Inc.(OptVision Research), a Texas corporation.OptVision Research will research and developapplications of a USPTO patent (No. 6,718,103)for an invention for "Transmission of Imagesover a Single Filament Fiber Optic Cable" thatwas issued to VCSY. This patent is in atheoretical stage and is intended to be used fortransmitting images on fiber optics that mightimprove in orders of magnitude today's capacityof fiber optics to transmit images and data.
"Vertical created OptVision Research inorder to apply for federal grants and obtainfinancing to develop this fiber opticstechnology," stated Richard Wade, President andCEO of VCSY.

This release containsforward-looking statements within the meaning ofSection 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 andSection 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of1934. With the exception of historicalinformation contained herein, the mattersdiscussed in this press release involve risk anduncertainties. Actual results could differmaterially from those expressed in anyforward-looking statement.

AboutVertical Computer Systems, Inc.Vertical ComputerSystems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY) is a provider ofadministrative software, Internet coretechnologies, and derivative softwareapplication products through its distributionnetwork. VCSY's main administrative softwareproduct is emPath(R), which is developed anddistributed by NOW Solutions, Inc., theCompany's wholly-owned subsidiary. VCSY'sprimary Internet core technologies includeSiteFlash, ResponseFlash, NewsFlash, and theEmily XML Scripting Language, which can be usedto build web services. Information on Verticaland its products can be obtained on the WorldWide Web at

Now Solutions Brings HR App to DB2 (June2005)

Volume 5, Number 24 -- June 14,2005

by Alex Woodie

Companies can nowrun the database portion of Now Solutions humanresources and payroll software on IBM DB2,including DB2/400, the company announced lastweek. Now Solutions' emPath software provides anarray of capabilities for tracking employeehours and benefits, and now supports all majordatabase platforms on all major server operatingsystems.

Based in Forth Worth, Texas,Now Solutions has been developing humanresources and payroll software since 1972, whena company named Argonaut released its first HRand payroll package. This package was modifiedfor client-server computing in 1994 by RossSystems, which acquired the Argonaut package in1990. Then, in 2001, Now Solutions bought the HRand payroll software and assets from RossSystems, and released the first Web-enabledversion of the product, emPath 6.0. (inserted byRR: And VCSY and NOW SOlutions filed a lawsuitagainst Ross Systems and Chinadotcom for fraud,the next court appearance in the New YorkSupreme Court is July 18, 2006)

In 2004,Now Solutions introduced emPath version 6.3, aHR management system written in a combination ofMicrofocus COBOL and Microsoft C#. This newrelease introduced self-service capabilities,such as a Web-based time clock that supports thefull array of timekeeping and payroll rules, aswell as new privacy tracking features. Thesefeatures bolstered the package's repertoire,which included recruiting, position control,benefits, absence and attendance tracking,employee reviews, career planning, payroll,self-service, and document workflowcapabilities. The software complies with allAmerican regulatory mandates, such asAffirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunityand the Family Leave Bill, as well as Canadianrequirements, such as Record of Employment andT4/T4As.

Last week, the companyannounced that emPath version 6.3, which itselfruns on a Windows server, will now work with DB2databases running on Windows, Linux, Unix, andiSeries servers, in addition to Microsoft SQLServer and Oracle databases. With one-third ofthe marketplace using DB2, supporting IBM'sdatabase was a good move strategically, saysKent Orgain, Now Solutions' vice president ofdevelopment.

Luiz Claudio Valdetaro,chief technology officer with Vertical ComputerSystems, Now Solutions parent company, sayssupport for DB2/400 was added to make it easierfor customers to integrate emPath with otherapplications running on the iSeries server. "Ifa user already has DB2 running on an iSeriesserver and decides to install emPath for DB2running on a different platform than iSeries(for example, Windows), this custo..


Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. RankedNumber 56 Fastest Growing Technology Company inNorth America on the 2005 Deloitte TechnologyFast 500

Fort Worth, Texas, December 8,2005--Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (VCSY.PK)today announced that it ranked Number 56 on the2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking ofthe 500 fastest growing technology companies inNorth America. Rankings are based on percentagerevenue growth over five years, from 2000-2004.

VCSY's CEO, Richard Wade, credits thepurchase of Now Solutions, Inc. and theCompany's continuing development of itsproprietary technology. Mr. Wade said, "Verticalis honored to be on this prestigious list andhopes to continue this trend in the future."

"Making the Deloitte Technology Fast 500is commendable in today's highly competitivetechnology industry," said Tony Kern, deputynational managing principal of Deloitte &Touche LLP's Technology, Media &Telecommunications Group. "We congratulateVertical Computer Systems on becoming one of the500 fastest growing technology companies inNorth America."

In addition to rankingon Deloitte's Technology Fast 500, VCSY rankedNumber 7 on the Texas Technology Fast 50, whichis a ranking of the 50 fastest growingtechnology firms in Texas and Number 4 on the2005 Tech Titans Fast 50, which ranks the 50fastest growing tech companies in theDallas-Fort Worth area.

Fast 500Selection and Qualifications

The Fast500 list is compiled from Deloitte's 15 regionalNorth American Fast 50 lists, nominationssubmitted directly to the Fast 500, and publiccompany database research. To qualify for theFast 500, entrants must have had 2000 operatingrevenues of at least $50,000 USD or $75,000 CDfor the United States and Canada, respectively,and 2004 operating revenues of at least $1million USD or CD.

Entrants must beheadquartered in North America and must be a"technology company," defined as a company thatowns proprietary technology that contributes toa significant portion of the company's operatingrevenues; or devotes a significant proportion ofrevenues to the research and development oftechnology. Using other companies' technology ina unique way does not qualify.

Thisrelease contains forward-looking statementswithin the meaning of Section 27A of theSecurities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934. With theexception of historical information containedherein, the matters discussed in this pressrelease involve risk and uncertainties. Actualresults could differ materially from thoseexpressed in any forward-looking statement.

About Vertical Computer Systems, Inc.

Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (VCSY)is a provider of administrative software,Internet core technologies, and derivativesoftware application products through itsdistribution network. VCSY's main administrativesoftware product is emPath®, which is developedand distributed by NOW Solutions, Inc., theCompany's wholly-owned subsidiary. VCSY'sprimary Internet core technologies includeSiteFlash, ResponseFlash, NewsFlash, and theEmily XML Scripting Language, which can be usedto build web services. Information on Verticaland its products can be obtained on the WorldWide Web at

About Deloitte

Deloitte refers to one or more ofDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, itsmember firms and their respective subsidiariesand affiliates. As a Swiss Verein (association),neither Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu nor any of itsmember firms has any liability for each other'sacts or omissions. Each of the member firms is aseparate and independent legal entity operatingunder the names "Deloitte", "Deloitte &Touche", "Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu" or otherrelated names. Services are provided by themember firms or their subsidiaries or affiliatesand not by the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Verein.

Deloitte & Touche USA LLP is the USmember firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. In theUS, services are provided by the subsidiaries ofDeloitte & Touche USA LLP (Deloitte &Touche LLP, Deloitte Consulting LLP, DeloitteFinancial Advisory Services LLP, Deloitte TaxLLP and their subsidiaries), and not by Deloitte& Touche USA LLP.

Contact VerticalComputer Systems:
Phone: (817) 348-8717

Canadian Division of Major InternationalDistribution Company Chooses NOW Solutions'emPath® Human Resources Solution
Fort Worth,TX, April 18, 2006 - NOW Solutions, Inc.announced today the addition of another newcustomer. The Canadian division of a majorinternational distribution company has selectedNow Solutions' emPath® HRMS suite.

Bybringing emPath® "in-house", this division, withseveral thousand employees replaces its currentoutsourced solution with Now Solutions' morerobust integrated HR and Payroll suite at alower overall cost. emPath® HRMS can streamlinethe Canadian divisions' core human resources andpayroll information into a comprehensive andintegrated environment.

emPath® is aWeb-based HRMS solution leveragingMicrosoft®.NET technology that providescomprehensive administrative and workflowcapabilities, as well as employee empowermentvia employee and manager self-service, alldelivered with zero client administration.

"NOW Solutions is helping variousorganizations discover the benefits of greateroperational efficiency and more responsiveservice to their employees", says our VicePresident of Client Development, CarmelinaUggenti, "In a world of business processoutsourcing as well as outsourcing in general,many companies are realizing they have increasedcontrol over their information and substantiallylower overall costs by using a more traditionalmethod of licensing applications instead ofpaying by transaction."

This releasecontains forward-looking statements within themeaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of1933 and Section 21E of the Securities ExchangeAct of 1934. With the exception of historicalinformation contained herein, the mattersdiscussed in this press release involve risk anduncertainties. Actual results could differmaterially from those expressed in anyforward-looking statement.

Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. Retains LawFirm in Connection With Licensing of UnitedStates Patent No. 6,826,744

FORT WORTH,Texas, Jun 6, 2006 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) --Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY)announced today that it has retained the lawfirm of Niro, Scavone, Haller & Niro on acontingency basis to act in connection with thelicensing of United States Patent (U.S) No.6,826,744, the underlying Patent under VCSY'sSiteFlash(tm) and SiteFlash-derived products.
U.S. Patent No 6,826,744 is a system andmethod for generating computer applications inan arbitrary object framework. The methodseparates the content, form, and function of thecomputer application so that each may beaccessed or modified separately. The methodincludes creating arbitrary objects, managingthe arbitrary objects throughout their lifecycle in an object library, and deploying thearbitrary objects in a design framework for usein complex computer applications.

Thisrelease contains forward-looking statementswithin the meaning of Section 27A of theSecurities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934. With theexception of historical information containedherein, the matters discussed in this pressrelease involve risk and uncertainties. Actualresults could differ materially from thoseexpressed in any forward-looking statement.

About Vertical Computer Systems, Inc.

Vertical Computer Systems, Inc.(OTCBB:VCSY) is a provider of administrativesoftware, Internet core technologies, andderivative software application products throughits distribution network. VCSY's mainadministrative software product is emPath(r),which is developed and distributed by NOWSolutions, Inc., the Company's wholly-ownedsubsidiary. VCSY's primary Internet coretechnologies include SiteFlash, ResponseFlash,NewsFlash, and the Emily XML Scripting Language,which can be used to build web services.Information on Vertical and its products can beobtained on the World Wide Web at

This news release was distributed byPrimeZone,

Now Solutions Begins Rolloutof New Hosted Solution for emPath® SoftwareSuite
Fort Worth, TX, December 15, 2006 - Now Solutions Inc. (Now Solutions), a leadingprovider of end-to-end strategic humanresources, payroll and benefit administrationsolutions announced today the rollout of a newhosted solution of its emPath® HRMS softwaresuite.

Today's changing businessenvironment and technology advancements havecreated the opportunity to create a new HRMSsolution offering. "The HRMS space is movingtoward a software-as-a-service model. To benefitour customers, we believe it is critical thatNow Solutions take the lead in defining thisspace," commented Marianne Franklin, Presidentand CEO of Now Solutions. "We have made theinvestments in emPath® and the underlyinginfrastructure to support it. These investmentsprovide an effective and secure environment foremPath® hosting, becoming the critical piece toeffective solution delivery of our softwaresuite."

Now Solutions' hostedenvironment utilizes the very latest ininfrastructure and technology. The primary NorthAmerican data center site is a state-of-the-artVerizon Business data center in Richardson,Texas. The facility provides:

Web-baseddelivery, multi-tenant architecture, 24x7x365availability
Redundant power supplies andnetwork connections
World-class physical anddata security
Advanced administrativecontrol and monitoring processes

"Webelieve these company investments represent amajor step forward, and provide our customerswith a highly reliable, secure and scalableinfrastructure for their hosted solution," saidLaurent Tetard, Vice-President of Operations forNow Solutions.

Now Solutions’ emPath® isa Web-based HRMS solution that providescomprehensive administrative and workflowcapabilities, as well as employee empowermentvia employee and manager self-service, alldelivered with zero client administration.

To see a demonstration of emPath® HRMSsoftware suite, Now Solutions will be holding afree Webinar on Thursday, January 18, 2007 at2:00 pm EST. Interested parties may sign up toattend the webinar by clicking here. The numberof participants to this Webinar is limited, soplease register early to ensure a space. NowSolutions will schedule additional Webinars toaccommodate any excess demand as necessary.

This release contains forward-lookingstatements within the meaning of Section 27A ofthe Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934. With theexception of historical information containedherein, the matters discussed in this pressrelease involve risk and uncertainties. Actualresults could differ materially from thoseexpressed in any forward-looking statement.

About NOW Solutions, Inc.
NOWSolutions, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary ofVertical Computer Systems, Inc., is a HumanResources Management System (HRMS) software andbusiness solutions provider. A pioneer in HRMSsolutions, NOW Solutions provides thecapabilities companies need to manage theirever-changing workplace in the face of today'scomplex requirements through its main product,emPath® , which consists of a fully secure webbased HRMS suite as well as a hosted solution.Recruiting, position control, benefits, absenceand attendance tracking , employee reviews,career planning, payroll, employee/managerself-service and a powerful workflow engine toreduce or eliminate paper are among the manyfeatures of emPath®. NOW Solutions is arespected business partner serving customersthroughout the United States and Canada. NOWSolutions' presence can be found in industriesincluding education, for-profit services,healthcare, high technology and communications,insurance, manufacturing, natural resources,not-for-profit, public sector, retail,transportation, and utilities. NOW Solutions hasoffices in Fort Worth, Toronto and Brazil toserve its customers. Information on NOWSolutions and its products can be obtained onthe World Wide Web at

About Vertical Computer Systems, Inc.
Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (OTCBB:VCSY) is a provider of administrative software,Internet core technologies, and derivativesoftware application products through itsdistribution network. VCSY's main administrativesoftware product is emPath®, which is developedand distributed by NOW Solutions, Inc., theCompany's wholly-owned subsidiary. VCSY'sprimary Internet core technologies includeSiteFlash, ResponseFlash, NewsFlash, and theEmily XML Scripting Language, which can be usedto build web services. VCSY also markets threesecurity products that make up its securitysuite (ImmuneApp, StatePointPlus® and CKM®). Information on Vertical and its products can beobtained on the World Wide Web at


NOW Solutions, Inc.
Phone: (817) 348-8714
Fax: (817)335-7667

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