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Re: stju1979 post# 71609

Thursday, 04/01/2021 12:29:06 PM

Thursday, April 01, 2021 12:29:06 PM

Post# of 71938
Wow, Great actions today! ICBT has bounced Up 100% from its New bottom 0.0003 to 0.0006 v.s. its 39.7M-shares-OS peer (MWWC) is trading at the Same New bottom 0.0003 now! ICBT has 52-week-high 0.0018 v.s. MWWC has 0.0019!

Note, the OS count (2,123,792,434 shares) of ICBT = 53.43 Times of the OS count (39,754,023 shares) of MWWC!

Stock-Killers-World has spot 442 stock killers from 9000-Bagger to 2.2-Bagger since 03/05/2011