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Re: Panzer post# 79

Thursday, 03/25/2021 7:26:37 AM

Thursday, March 25, 2021 7:26:37 AM

Post# of 213
#SILJ: COMEX / LBMA Default coming...;-}

captainscotty Saturday, 03/21/20 07:44:41 AM
Re: Doubledown75 post# 6689 0
Post #
of 6916
#USLV: COMEX / LBMA Default coming...;-}

Disconnect between the Paper Price and Physical Price
There is a disconnect between on the one hand, the COMEX futures and London spot OTC market and on the other hand, the physical precious metals market.

Unless there is a very strong rally in the paper market that balances physical demand and supply, the disconnect between the paper market and physical market may widen until the paper pricing system (COMEX futures and LBMA unallocated system) implodes.

In a scenario where the paper spot market doesn’t rally to balance physical demand and supply, physical precious metals will no longer be priced based on the spot market. Bullion dealers will stop pricing metals. Many have already done so by suspending the accepting of orders.

When preferences in the derivatives paper spot and futures markets, which are unbacked or only partially backed by precious metals, differ from supply and demand in the physical market, prices disconnect.

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