Dogbone it, Anne. I might be ignorant in some aspects, but I'm no Moron! If one ought to have multiple wifes, is it okay if you do it just one at a time?
Oh, computer! I went to a store and a very knowledgeable Sikh gentlemen who had spent 29 years being a troop. Probably was an ossifer I judged, based on his breadth of knowledge in history, religion, etc. He didn't want me to buy the cheapest machine because of almost assured obsolescence before long (something about 32- or 64-something chips. I didn't want to spend $500 or $600. He asked me why I want to buy one and I explained. He said I shouldn't buy one, just do this. And he made everything bad and back good in seconds by clicking on something. I came home and clicked on mine and Faith & Begorra! as we always said in Ireland or Scotland or wherever. The type sizes are good, but I can't see the titles of pages I've minimized always.
That's good isn't it? So I'll buy a new electric shaver instead.
Thank you for your continuing interest.