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Re: brezlin post# 77800

Wednesday, 02/24/2021 8:53:56 PM

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 8:53:56 PM

Post# of 90773
Roger Pawson, a history of fraud...

Check out pages 4,5, and 6. Though one should read it all carefully.

Rodger Pawson is a liar, liar, lair... Another very recent fraud suit and mention of yet another suit in this suit.

None of this was disclosed in the disclosure statements as they should have been. That yield sign needs to remain.

1. The Plaintiff, Auctus Fund, LLC, (hereinafter “Auctus” or the “Fund”), respectfully submits its Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial (hereinafter the “Complaint”) against the Defendants, Optec International Inc., (hereinafter the “Company” or “OPTI”), and Roger E. Pawson (hereinafter “Pawson”), the CEO of the Company, in the above-captioned action. The Plaintiff’s allegations, as set out herein, are asserted for damages, punitive damages, costs and attorney’s fees, and injunctive and equitable relief arising from, and resulting from the Defendant’s
violations of the following:

a) Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(hereinafter the "Exchange Act" or the “1934 Act”), 15 U.S.C. §78j(b), and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, 17 C.F.R. §240.10b-5;

b) Massachusetts Uniform Securities Act, M.G.L. c.110A, §§ 101, et seq., as amended (hereinafter the “Uniform Securities Act”);
c) breach of contract;
d) breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing;
e) unjust enrichment;
f) breach of fiduciary duty;
g) fraud and deceit;
h) negligent misrepresentation; and/or
i) the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 93, §§ 2 and 11.

2. The Plaintiff further alleges that, as a result and as caused by the Defendants’ violations of the securities laws (federal and state), and its breaches, actions, omissions, policies, practices, and/or courses of conduct, Auctus has suffered irreparable harm to its business and reputation in the investment industry, damages from the Defendants’ coercion, duress, and unfair and deceptive anti-competitive acts, causing lost revenue, lost profits and prospective business, together with its injuries and damages.

18. On or about January 21, 2020, this Honorable Court entered a Default Judgment infavor of Auctus Fund, LLC against Defendant OPTI for breach of contract, and awarded compensatory damages arising out of the loss of the benefit of the bargain in the principal amount of $398,686.29, attorney’s fees in the amount of $21,572.50, and costs of $620.40, for a total award against Defendant OPTI in the principal amount of $420,879.19 to the benefit of the Plaintiff.

31. Unbeknownst to the Plaintiff, however, in or about the fall of 2019, a third-party creditor filed a litigation against Defendant OPTI in the New York Supreme Court in Manhattan (hereinafter the “NY Litigation”).

32. Also unbeknownst to Auctus, the third-party creditor obtained a judgment (hereinafter the “NY Judgment”) against OPTI in the NY Litigation in the amount of $212,210.02.

33. Defendants OPTI and Pawson never disclosed the NY Litigation nor the NY Judgment to Plaintiff prior to the execution of the Amendment, or at any time thereafter, and omitted this material fact, while having a duty of disclosure to Auctus in the offer, purchase and sale of the OPTI securities, as reflected by Amendment #1 and the Irrevocable Letter.

34. Additionally, by such material omissions in the offer, purchase and sale of OPTI securities, the Defendants fraudulently induced the Plaintiff into reinvesting its assets in the OPTI shares of common stock, while never intending to comply with their obligations, as reflected by Amendment #1 and the Irrevocable Letter.

35. Unfortunately, because of Defendant’s willful and fraudulent actions, the Plaintiff was unable to convert Defendant’s debt obligations into freely traded shares of OPTI common stock, and the Transfer Agent rejected Auctus’ Notice(s) of Conversion.

36. The Plaintiff asserts and alleges that the Defendants misrepresented, omitted and failed to provide material facts to Auctus in connection with its investments and in connection with the offer, purchase and sale of OPTI securities, as reflected by Amendment #1, the Irrevocable Letter and the Transaction Documents.

37. Thus, in detrimental reliance upon the information, representations and statements from the Defendant, the Plaintiff invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the Company, which has, and has had, a fiduciary duty and a duty of the utmost loyalty to the Plaintiff. Unfortunately, to its detriment, the Plaintiff has learned that the Defendant had misrepresented and deceived the Fund, and omitted material information while having a duty of disclosure, regarding the Company, and perpetrated securities fraud in connection with the offer, purchase and sale of securities, in violation of, inter alia, Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5, as promulgated thereunder, and the Uniform Securities Act, M.G.L. c. 110A, §§101, et seq., as amended.

38. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default under the Transaction Documents, the entire principal and accrued interest shall be immediately due and owing from Defendant OPTI. Furthermore, pursuant to Section 3 of the Notes, the Company is required to pay, and shall pay, the “Default Sum” (as defined therein), due under the Note as multiplied by Two Hundred and 00/100 (200.00%) percent. Thus, as of January 23, 2020 and under the Transaction Documents, the Company owes the Plaintiff the Default Sum totaling Six Hundred – Seventy – Six Thousand –Six Hundred – Fifty - Six and 26/100 ($676,656.26) Dollars (U.S.). Until paid, the Default Sum shall continue to accrue the default interest rate of Twenty four and 00/100 (24.00%) percent per year, provided by the Note.

39. In sum, the Defendants have committed breached the June 2018 Transaction Documents, the July 2018 Transaction Documents, the January 2019 Transaction Documents, Amendment #1, and the Irrevocable Letter, and has committed securities fraud in connection with the offer, purchase and sale of OPTI shares of common stock to the Plaintiff, which has suffered as a consequence. The Defendants have been unjustly enriched and converted the Plaintiff’s assets, causing it to suffer further damages and injuries. As a result of the fraudulent scheme, actions, concealment, and omissions of the Defendants, the Plaintiff suffered damages of $676,656.26, with interest, attorney’s fees and costs, to its detriment.


40. The Plaintiff reasserts Paragraphs 1 through 39 of the Complaint, together with Exhibits, and restates and incorporates them herein by reference.

41. The Defendants violated Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. §78j(b) and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, 17 C.F.R. §240.10b-5, in that, as described herein, and in connection with the purchase, offer and sale of securities, they knowingly, recklessly and intentionally:
a) employed manipulative and deceptive devices and contrivances;
b) employed devices, schemes and artifices to defraud;
c) made untrue statements of material fact and omitted to state material facts necessary in order to make statements made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; and
d) engaged in acts, practices and a course of business which operated as a fraud or deceit upon the Plaintiff.

42. During the relevant time period and as set forth herein, the Defendants, jointly and severally, singly and in concert, directly and/or indirectly, engaged in one or more common plans, schemes, and unlawful courses of conduct, to operate or perpetrate a fraud or deceit upon the
Plaintiff, in connection with the offer, purchase and/or sale of OPTI securities.

43. During the relevant time period and as set forth herein, the Defendants, jointly and severally, singly and in concert, directly and/or indirectly, knowingly or recklessly engaged in acts, transactions, practices, and courses of business which operated as a fraud and deceit upon Plaintiff in connection with the offer, purchase and/or sale of OPTI securities.

More Roger Pawson lies... lie after lie after lie.

CAREBOURN CAPITAL, L.P. files this 13G to disclose OPTI holdings of 99,564,378 shares.

Roger Pawson PR's this:

OPTEC International, Inc. Information Statement
OPTEC International, Inc.September 2, 2020Press Release
OPTEC International, Inc., Carlsbad, California: September 2nd, (OTC: OPTI)

Regarding the Carebourn Capital Schedule 13G Filing dated August 31st, 2020.

The company would like to notify shareholders and investors the schedule 13G filing by Carebourn Capital , L.P. for the shares listed, are restricted shares and subject to the standard 1 year hold from the date of issuance. The shares cannot be held in the public broker domain and will remain in book entry for the term of the statutory 1 year holding period.

In the last disclosure statement he shows at least 84,828,577 shares as un-restricted.

Roger Pawson was caught lying AGAIN.

“Where are we at with the share float structure of the company?”, asked Jolly. “There’s no dilution in the company at all,” said Pawson. “The authorized have never changed, the issued and outstanding have never changed, and I believe the float has remained constant for at least the last 60 days, but probably 90 days,” he explained. “I just want to clarify, the Carebourn Capital stock is restricted stock, it’s not in the float. It is restricted until close to the end of the year.”

The OS has changed every month!! Its in the disclosure statements.

Carebourn Capital stock is NOT restricted stock. It even says so in Rogers own disclosure statement!

Note U = unrestricted.

9-4-20 New Issue 63,051,431 CS .02 Yes Carebourn Capital: Control Person Chip Rice. Conv. Note U

8-28-20 New Issue 40,112,947 CS .02 Yes Carebourn Capital: Control Person Chip Rice Conv. Note U


Buyer Beware

OPTI is a share selling scam


I expose stock scams to gain knowledge about investigating the stock market players and for the entertainment it invariably generates. I've received NO compensation in any form for such, except for a few thank yous...