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Re: wwop post# 43203

Sunday, 02/07/2021 1:15:48 PM

Sunday, February 07, 2021 1:15:48 PM

Post# of 56644
Yes, I have emails from both the City of Chicago (amazing what an email can uncover) and to the CEO of Apollo. When Viper announced their partnership with Apollo a few years ago, there were questions about what that partnership looked like, but neither company at the time was willing to provide any real info. I guess now that VPER and Apollo are no longer “partners” then Apollo has no reason to keep it a secret.

The issue is with the partnership with Momo - what exactly is this partnership structure and how does VPER benefit? If VPER has invested in MOMO then how much and more importantly, how much does that translate into $$$ for individual investors?

It’s easy to see the speculation going on. I understand all info has to be speculative at this point. Especially from the companies involved or they risk being investigated by the SEC for fraud and insider trading. I just can’t get to the point where any speculation is driven by real facts.