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Re: iwin2 post# 91068

Wednesday, 02/03/2021 12:36:15 PM

Wednesday, February 03, 2021 12:36:15 PM

Post# of 100661
It's been steadily climbing in increments of .0005 - .0010 throughout the past two weeks with the exception of the odd day of minimal drops (Since it went down to .0012 - .0016 range)... We're in the 3rd week now since it began to rally up, so I'd say yes, the conference call hype has been factored in, but leading up to Friday and into Monday, you may expect at the very least a climb to 2 cents. The Cannabis hype is not over yet. This is a runner, and Todd Skatinni made it quite clear this is not a pump up stock, it'll make gradual climbs based upon merit and what the market is willing to pay.

BLDV - Long & Strong!