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Re: The Night Stalker post# 6729

Monday, 02/01/2021 1:46:59 AM

Monday, February 01, 2021 1:46:59 AM

Post# of 6766
InRob Tech Ltd. manufactures wireless and remote control systems. The company technology operates all types of robots and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) for the military, homeland security and civilian markets. It control systems are used in a range of mission-critical homeland security, military and law enforcement applications and also used in many civilian applications, which include dangerous tasks in nuclear plants, the demolition industry & firefighting and rescue services. The company also provides advanced and comprehensive UGV solutions on the market and high-tech companies. InRob Tech was founded by Ben-Tsur Joseph on March 25, 1986 and is headquartered in Shoham, Israel.