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Re: crazy horse 0 post# 99333

Tuesday, 01/26/2021 7:18:01 PM

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 7:18:01 PM

Post# of 203874
WHO now saying You do not need to Wear a Mask
WHO: You Do NOT Need to Wear a Mask

January 25, 2021

Written by John O’Sullivan

In a telling admission made on January 22, 2021, the World Health Organization now say there is no scientific medical reason for any healthy person to wear a mask outside of a hospital. Sadly, our corrupt politicians and mainstream media only relate the bad news.

If you do not have any respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask. When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly.

Watch the video of the press announcement at


WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce Massive COVID False Positives

So why are they saying this now? They knew is was all bogus from the begining.

Next they will be saying Covid has never been Isolated.

Court Rules that Enforced Wearing of Masks is ‘Unconstitutional’
Published on January 25, 2021

The police tribunal in Brussels issued a judgment on 12 January acquitting a man summoned for non-wearing of a mask, according to his lawyer, Hélène Alexandris. The judge concluded that the enforced wearing of the mask in public space was unconstitutional.
Medical Doctor: Bacterial Pneumonias Rising from Mask Wearing
Published on January 25, 2021
Steve Hilton Report: Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Directly Responsible with Funding the Gain-of-Function Studies that Resulted in Coronavirus Pandemic
HAFHAFJanuary 25, 2021

Steve Hilton Report: Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Directly Responsible with Funding the Gain-of-Function Studies that Resulted in Coronavirus Pandemic

Deaths from the Covid vaccines in US are up more. So are the number of adverse affects.

Now when is comes to Tedros from WHO he is a criminal, headed to the ICC for crimes as noted in both posts below.

Request for expedited federal investigation into Lockdown Fraud and

Covid death, but not from Covid because of WHO?

Japan stopped giving vaccines, until the children were 2, if I remember correctly and with that SIDS stopped in their country.

During COVID Lockdown, Vaccine Rates Dropped — So Did the Number of SIDS Deaths

Just added January 26, 2021


Family doctor and former Minnesota State Senator Scott Jensen made waves last year when he was one of the first in his field to speak out about the number of #Covid19 deaths thought to be inflated by the CDC’s irregular, and loose, guidelines on diagnosing death from Covid. Now, as the number of deaths has surpassed 400,000 in the US, Dr. Jensen and lawmakers are calling for an audit of these deaths.

in the US they get $12,000 to $13,000 for patients admitted and testing positive for a COVID-19 diagnoses and another $39,000 again give or take, for those put on ventilators. Those number vary a bit from report to report.

If they have 161 covid patients, they get an extra $70,000 per patient. That one I just found out about via the video. Thank you Dr. Jensen. There should be an audit of deaths world wide, as death certificates were also changed in other countries as well. In the UK for example if you died 28 days after testing positive, you were counted as a covid death.

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50,000 Italian Restaurant Owners Plan to Ignore Lockdown
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Forcing a Child to Wear a Mask is Child Abuse
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WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce Massive COVID False Positives
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On January 26, 2021 at 8:58 am Leonard Harpin said:
Thank you very much. I have never worn a mask from the start of this Plandemic, and did my research back in march. Question is how much damage has this done to people?!

I see almost 99% obeying this B.S every time i go shopping, and its very sad to see! The elderly in particular seem to have bought in to this and i’m sure have already damaged their health.

How many have died from hypoxia, and bacterial pneumonia we may never know! Thank you for all that you do Regards Leonard

On January 26, 2021 at 12:56 pm Lynn Hartt said:
Could you give me a link to that video where he talks about the masks… I can’t find it on their website.

On January 26, 2021 at 4:45 pm Rainbow Warrior said:
They chalk all of that up to having Covid. Now they are trying to say those who got the vaccines died of covid too. The PCR tests are covering up all the murders. PCR is not for testing for a virus. Add to that they have never isolated the so called virus. What really angers me is if you tested positive you were being misdiagnosed and getting the wrong treatment. Like if you went to the hospital with a heat attack and tested for Covid. They would treat you for covid and not the heart attack. If you die they also would say you died of Covid. They turned pneumonia and flu into covid. In the US if you had pneumonia the hospital got a bit over $4,000, if you tested positive for Covid the hospital got $12,000, get them on a ventilator they got yet another $36,000 or $39,000 not sure which and if they got 161 number of total patients, they got and extra $77,000 per patient. Now that explains why so many in the US had so many covid patients. They created covid patients for money.

On January 26, 2021 at 6:39 pm Rob J said:
Could you give me a link to that video where he talks about the masks… I can’t find it on their website.

On January 26, 2021 at 7:29 pm Catherine said:
The video where you say he mentions not needing the masks is over one hour long. do you know where abouts the reference to masks is? Thanks. Great article and links.

On January 26, 2021 at 8:22 pm Bruce Williamson said:
Can’t find the WHO announcement.

On January 26, 2021 at 9:15 pm Anne said:
Catherine, start at 44 minutes.

On January 26, 2021 at 11:17 pm Sandra said:
Could I have the link to the video that shows the WHO talking about not needing to wear a mask please. Nobody believes me so I want to show them.

On January 26, 2021 at 11:40 pm Sharee Anaya said:
What is the time stamp for what you are saying as the backup for what you are claiming?

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