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Alias Born 01/29/2002

Re: Plexto post# 365

Sunday, 01/17/2021 11:00:07 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2021 11:00:07 AM

Post# of 369
Hi Saul,
I'm glad I could assist. Please feel free to ask questions if you don't find what you need.

Note on our AIM Users page we update our market risk measure, the v-Wave, weekly. It's bearish right now and doesn't show signs of relaxing.

A general rule would be to not start any new investments when the v-Wave is bearish and follow all AIM directed sell suggestions.

When Neutral, start new AIM holdings with the appropriate cash suggested by the v-Wave.

When the v-Wave is Bullish, check seat cushions, penny jars and all other sources of liquidity and plow it into the markets as AIM gives out Buy orders.

Best wishes,

Buy from the Scared; Sell to the Greedy.....

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