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Re: Almost A Myth post# 1110

Tuesday, 01/12/2021 9:50:05 PM

Tuesday, January 12, 2021 9:50:05 PM

Post# of 1225
No, the SEC doesn't get involved "quick" and likely won't at all, even when the stock sale is over and the bagholders are left in the wake of the dump wondering why they haven't heard from the company. The SEC isn't actively policing the OTC, if they were it would be shut down completely.

No matter how many times an attempt is made to slap "opinion" on the cold, hard, common sense that it takes way more money than $16k and way more time than a couple months to even launch research on an EV battery, much less produce one, it remains absurd to even suggest this company's claims can be even remotely legitimate.

I swear I’ll never use the phrase “you can’t make this stuff up” ever again after being on the OTC. Apparently you can.