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Alias Born 03/25/2017

Re: None

Friday, 12/11/2020 11:05:58 AM

Friday, December 11, 2020 11:05:58 AM

Post# of 63074

I feel that the climax of this roller-coaster ride has been reached. So much has happened since the beginning of the year (much of which will be reviewed here in a second). I ask myself questions like, Is the deal still “on” here? Is there still an ACTIVE LOI? Here’s what I’m thinking - strictly my opinion of course. If there was a tally of all the things that lend to the notion that this deal is likely still on, and then a tally of all the things that lend to the notion that this deal may have evaded PASO, I think there would be two evenly stacked columns.

I’m here to see the deal through, and I’m hopeful the DA is signed between CLX and PASO..not because I’m a big proponent of “hope” but because the facts are what they are.

Similarly to when I shared the 144 list compilation post (here: ),

this is a PASO Event Analysis (could call it a Roadmap)- PASO’s yearly chart coupled with significant events called out. There is all kinds of analysis to be had when viewing the information from this perspective. I’ll give you my take, from my lens.

Chuck’s perspective - Cliff notes: There is WAY too much that has happened here since 14 March 2020 for this to be some kind of a scam; that is clear to see in the Event Analysis graphic. If, somehow, it were a total sham, it would be one of THEE most EPIC of the last half century. The pre-coordinated effort that would have been required to orchestrate this, and then somehow pull it off with JUST the right timing for all of it….
I have my opinion of JG - but it’s really what the healthcare and information technology industries think of him that really matters. Well, he’s undeniably well respected there, and that leads to having an image and reputation to maintain if he wants to continue on that path. Scenario 1… JG acknowledged, from the beginning, that he was going to be scamming hundreds (possibly thousands) of investors out of their hard earned money through a methodical and strategic pump and dump - complete with him and his family acquiring 68 million shares (costing roughly $2M), developing a COVID-19 app, assuming CSO of SiriusIQ, signing an LOI with PASO, announcing expedited provisional patent approval, asking for an extension to the existing LOI, bringing TransUnion into the fold, clarifying via social media on a number of occasions things like the Roadmap being intact/PubCo/RM (paraphrasing there), etc OR…OR…. Scenario 2… The deal was a real deal that has since crumbed, the LOI has been terminated, and CLX has moved in a different direction, possibly to roll the dice for a year or two as a privately held entity until they can get a new candidate in place to re-cock a reverse merger.

I don’t want to say it’s one or the other for certain, but these two scenarios are really the two most rational in my eyes… (if I thought this wasn’t going to end well). This was either a sham from its inception, or the deal died well over a month ago.

Scenario 1
Sure, the first scenario is totally possible. JG and Bruce (public knowledge that they’ve known each other for quite some time) could have created a MASTERPIECE of a sham - achieving and publicizing believable milestones along the way. The market then reacts to the presumed good news (huge gains north of .15). Then, sticking to the plan that was conceived several months or even years earlier, the morning we are expecting a signed DA (15 July 2020), everyone from the company who was on the inside of this deal just unloads premarket through direct access brokers - ultimately generating a massive gap down around .06-.07. Then, after taking a huge payday before the market even opened, and before many could even execute a trade, their sham plan continued forward. They knew they had already used a “delay” earlier in the year - with COVID being used as one of the major factors. So, of course, for their next act, they knew they had to bring in some heavy hitters to convince…to instill confidence that, not only was the LOI still intact but that the deal had grown and was even better than before. Here enters a global information and insights company that “makes trust possible between businesses and consumers” - TransUnion; NYSE: TRU. After all, JG is a nobody with no credibility, and still… he was able to bring TransUnion to the table…but, this was all part of the plan… to pull one over on TransUnion executives so that they would be at least willing to post about Consumer Lab Exchange, UST Global, and SiriusIQ on their website (which interestingly remains there to this day ->

The plan then called for a share structure reorg… a reorg that I was led to believe was necessary in order to satisfy the terms of the deal, outlined in the 28 May 2020 LOI. The share structure reorg is executed and, just as they intended, the stock price takes a ride on a rocket from .05 to .11 on 1 September 2020. Again, as planned, they take their gains ahead of retail. PASO is then instructed to make good on a dividend that they had mentioned would be coming to loyal shareholders of record…and although this would typically be viewed as good news (and therefore a green candle) it’s no match for the millions of shares JG, Bruce, and company are dumping into the bid. With now a yield sign and an A/S increase to 2.5B, the stock (all by design) is steadily losing support. At the end of September, the stock is sitting right around .02. Well, the plan then called for one last hoorah… Well, if their intention was to pump it, there would be a clear sign of heavy buying BEFORE the pump! Also before a pump, there would likely be some solid firepower to pump with when the time came to execute! And so, of course, as the plan called for, once the stock settled at .02, company insiders identified a date (2 October 2020) to buy in before issuing some solid pumping. Seeing green from all the insider buying would incite retail to buy for fear of missing out…not actually knowing what was going on, but that it must be good! Then, days later, on 6 October 2020, JG Tweets “Looking forward to next week’s conference…” (Data and Disruptors Seminar hosted by TransUnion) followed by the 8 October 2020 MEGA Tweet of all MEGA tweets getting dropped…a tweet that would reinvigorate - while also asking TransUnion if they would be willing include JG as a “late add” to their sponsored round-table (of course, TransUnion agreed. Naturally. The guy asking has no integrity, no accountability, no credibility.. so, it makes sense why they would include him AND edify him during the seminar. As for the tweet, it would HAVE TO include “PASO” somehow for me to REALLY believe PASO is still the RM candidate… so it would make sense to RETWEET CLX’s comments regarding said Roadmap that included RM/PubCo (which I know there can be only be one per the LOI) but to also include #Patients #Access #Solutions conveniently spaced one word apart from the next.

JG Tweet 06 October 2020

CLX Tweet 08 October 2020 with retweet of 6 August 2020

That’s one way to run a stock from .02 to .05! AFTER the share structure was reworked, AFTER the yield sign, and AFTER the share price fell to .02, CLX Tweets “Roadmap Intact” while RETWEETING what the Roadmap includes (RM/PubCo) from August…which was BEFORE all the stuff in red I just mentioned. Let me say that one more time, in case it got lost in translation...The 8 October 2020 CLX TWEET stating "Roadmap Intact!" (while RETWEETING a previous tweet that detailed what that Roadmap included) was posted AFTER the share structure was reworked, AFTER the yield sign, and AFTER the share price fell to .02. THIS MEANS CLX HEALTH WAS WELL AWARE AND ACCEPTING OF ALL THESE EVENTS. Ballsy, but, all planned months/years in advance of course. All that’s left at this point is to disappear into the woodwork... oh, and delete all the evidence! Because deleting everything from Social media means it gets deleted from everywhere…. even from my memory! Just…*POOF*! EPIC if you ask me.

Scenario 2
The second scenario... sure, that could have been what happened. The LOI may very well be terminated and CLX may have already moved in a different direction. Now to try and figure out when this might have happened…. In this scenario, I would likely reserve the opinion that BRUCE ruined everything. If that were ever the case, CLX would have likely moved-on well over a month ago. On 14 October 2020, CLX Health Twitter went dark. Because they deleted everything, that’s an indicator they are trying to cover their tracks - or that no real business is without social media and a real website. Couple this with the belief that LOIs are only as good as the share structure at the time of drafting it, then, I have my answer! So, if this is the scenario that happened, I can settle on roughly 14 October 2020 that CLX pulled out, effectively terminating the LOI. That would mean that there has been almost 2 MONTHS of a terminated LOI at the time of drafting this post.

In summary, the first “doesn’t end well” scenario is so far fetched that I can’t believe I even took the time to type it out. Further, if JG and Bruce were even capable of putting something together so EPIC, other than being criminal, in my eyes, they would be amazingly brilliant (the graphic doesn’t even show all of them) OK. So now I have to think and ask myself…. they can pull off one of the most elaborate and legendary OTC scams of the last half century, but they aren’t competent enough to execute a simple reverse merger? Hmm….

As for the second “doesn’t end well scenario”, I find it almost impossible to believe that in 2 months time, there hasn’t been a shred of evidence produced…even alluding to a terminated LOI. Everything seen, even AFTER the yield, share restructure, and drop in PPS points to the Roadmap still being intact. If the deal was dead, CLX would have said something. Heck, Bruce would have said something. I’ve asked myself…Why wouldn’t CLX… what would they have to lose? I know they don't HAVE TO. But really though…. there is no NDA at this point in this scenario, so I’d have to wonder what they have to lose? In my opinion, they would have much more to gain by separating themselves from PASO (there is a loooong arm out there). I further would need to ask myself the following questions:, What does Bruce have to lose by providing updates that the LOI has been terminated? Afraid the share price might drop? To what? .008 or so? Without a signed DA, it’s not likely to recover from here anyway without a major catalyst, so why wouldn’t Bruce just come out with it? Again, all questions I would need to ask myself.

The answer in my opinion? CLX WOULD have said something. Bruce WOULD have said something. It’s just that simple. So, in my opinion, it means, from the FACTS (and some rational thought), I see I am still good here.


1 Year

MAR-JUL 2020

JUL-DEC 2020