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Alias Born 12/23/2010

Re: prodigal post# 18

Thursday, 12/10/2020 2:53:43 AM

Thursday, December 10, 2020 2:53:43 AM

Post# of 33
;) check out lou_if, most expensive hotel in the world... got return email from mgt .... there were .013s yesterday L2 is amazing ... FYI I got binged with a foreign fee $15 bucks + trade fee by TDameritrade either $MHTZF or lou_if or both not sure so not a flipper for beer money imo... not to late for iv_me either... synergy custo with low ss >>> could run like cl_hi which hit $2.5 from .0135 6mo. Ago >>> em_df is in the very early stages of custo hopeful with synergy if ya want the possibility of a long ride from the starting line ... 16s were had yesterday maybe ya can get some great ss too >>> and last but not least lazar hopeful with sick ss ar_at at .2 ask slapped > patience pays when your in the right ticker!!! Good luck to us!!!