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Alias Born 10/27/2012

Re: DeepDive post# 551

Monday, 11/30/2020 11:25:53 AM

Monday, November 30, 2020 11:25:53 AM

Post# of 644
Another 2 years or so pass.

Its a very expensive lesson: shares now are but 10% of what they were 90% shredding of ignorant shareholders unwilling to do the research.

All the red flags were there, clear to the eye, yet investors like to deceive themselves.

I don't even bother to check on the state of the business now.

Just dropped by to say: turds with agenda don't turn without serious thrashing.

Embrace this painful lesson as the majority of the wealth of unthinking shareholders was siphoned to insiders in pay and dilution:

Invest wisely, always make sure the fundamentals are at your side and so is compensation.

Good luck to all.
