ASpectator, ARM (symbol ARMHY) is one of the premier designers of DSP and RISC microprocessors. Companies like Texas Instruments and Intel license ARMHY's processor core designs for use in their chips. EDIG is not in competition with ARMHY, but we do offer highly flexible memory management and other software that may be used with chips based on their architecture. Their software is concerned with the internal operations that the processor uses to convert compressed digital files into a format usable by a DAC (digital-to-analog converter). Our software is geared towards managing the flow of raw digital data, efficiently retrieving it from memory and directing it to the processor, and vice-versa. Other areas our software may support include the user interface, where we facilitate rapid file searches and navigation within each song file (the digital equivalent of fast forward/rewind) and the management of other data required by the processor, such as varying compression/decompression and encryption/decryption algorithms. Hope this helps, but don't take my layman's explanation as gospel; I'm sure there are technical errors and omissions.
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