You like these guys Oakwoodmajor? I know a crazy guy sued them for spam! Being so busy, they never bothered to answer. Then their resident agent in Nevada started refusing the court's mail. But they eventually did receive a copy of their judgment but rumor is they haven't paid. They did respond to the suit by putting a little note on their website that they didn't send the spam.
AR-06-005281 Maydak vs Goldmark Industries, Inc.
Filing Date: 07/17/2006 Case Type: Other Tort
Filing Time: 10:31:18 Court Type: Arbitration
Judge: No Judge Jury Requested: Yes
Amount In Dispute: $ 22300.00
*Click on PartyID hyperlink to see Alternative name for the party.
-- Litigants --
ID LName FName MI Type Address Initial Service Completion Attorney
@1360324 Maydak Keith E. Plaintiff 613 Cross Street East McKeesport PA 15035-1307 -- Pro Se,
@1406181 Goldmark Industries Inc. --- --- Defendant c/o Sarb S. Teja 9th. Fl. 555 Burrard St. Vancouver BC No V7X 1 M9 -- --
-- Attorney --
ID LName FName MI Type Address Phone
PROSE Pro Se --- --- Attorney No Default Address Available --
-- Non Litigants --
ID LName FName MI Type Address Phone
ARBC Arbitration Center --- --- Arbitration Center No Default Address Available --
*Click on DocketType hyperlink to see Judgments for that Docket.
Docket Entries
Filing Date Docket Type Docket Text Filing Party Document
10/27/2006 HEARING CANCELLED-DEFAULT JGMT Arbitration Center No Image
10/11/2006 Mail Returned on 10/10/06 because (of address change/postage due). On 10/11/06 mail was resent and addressed updated. Goldmark Industries Inc. Document 1
09/27/2006 Mail Returned on 09/27/06 because (incorrect address). On 09/28/06 mail was resent to our listing. Goldmark Industries Inc. Document 2
09/05/2006 Default Judgment In default of an answer in the amount of $22300.00. Certification of mailing of 10 day notice on 08/14/06 upon Goldmark Industries, Inc. Notice of judgment sent. Maydak Keith E. Document 3
09/02/2006 Certificate of Service of Complaint and Notice to Defend was served upon the defendant via certified mail on July 21, 2006. Maydak Keith E. Document 4
08/28/2006 Return of Service of Complaint by mail on out of state defendant pursuant to PA.R.Cv.P.404(2) & 403 by certificate of mailing upon Goldmark Industries Inc. on 7/21/06. Maydak Keith E. Document 5
08/17/2006 Writ Returned Unexecuted Document 6
07/17/2006 Complaint Count #1: $22,300.00 Plus costs/interest/attorney fees Hearing date 11/08/06. Maydak Keith E. Document 7