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Re: Commons_Cancelled post# 639056

Friday, 10/30/2020 4:56:18 PM

Friday, October 30, 2020 4:56:18 PM

Post# of 808739
Then you better hope that Mnuchin does that

IF they are going to plead before SCOTUS, then I don't think he does it before SCOTUS on Dec 9th - cos why go to court since the writedown ends the cases basically

BUT if they go to SCOTUS, then they will wait for the result -- so he won't write them down till the verdict... but he will be out of office by then and will no longer have the power

Calabria cannot write down the senior -- nor can he do anything with it in place

If there is no write-down before Dec 9th, or likely sooner, I think you need to batten down the hatches... battering coming on JPS prices