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Post# of 200789
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Alias Born 09/16/2016

Re: Hate Liars post# 137575

Wednesday, 10/28/2020 10:40:10 AM

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 10:40:10 AM

Post# of 200789
6. Massive $2 million Q4 revenues are NOW coming in!!!

PCT Ltd. (PCTL) Executes 1 Million Gallon Minimum Annual Supply Agreement; Company Anticipates Record Setting Revenues for 4th Quarter.

Press Release | 10/27/2020
We would also like to update our shareholders on PCTL’s revenue guidance for the fiscal year of 2020. We continue to anticipate revenues of approximately $4 million. In addition, we expect to achieve record setting revenues during the 4th quarter of 2020.

2018 total revenue: $300K
2019 total revenue: $750K
The 1st 6-months revenue of 2020: $1,100,000.00
Current final 6-months of 2020: $3 million in revenue!!!

*CEO made another bold statement on his 9/29 shareholder update three weeks ago: Millions coming from the UK deal!!! Could be $10's of millions!!!!!