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Alias Born 04/17/2019

Re: Monroe1 post# 118771

Thursday, 09/24/2020 4:28:16 AM

Thursday, September 24, 2020 4:28:16 AM

Post# of 234492
One of the studies they cite is from Spain. Which supposedly shows improved mortality rate for Hydroxy with p <.001. A quite flawed study. Do you want to know why? Tocilizumab also showed reduced mortality rate 0f p <.001. We know from an actual double-blinded placebo controlled study that Tocilizumab is a complete fail.

Another study is the Henry Ford study. Quite a few of the patients were also treated concomitantly with corticosteroids and being a retroactive look there's no way to differentiate which of the drugs had effect. However we do know from a controlled study that corticosteroids do have effect.

The last study cited was out of Belgium, yet another retroactive look. The treatment arm was Hydroxy with other forms of treatment, with no specificity of what that treatment was.

All of this time and not a single double-blinded placebo controlled study of Hydroxy. You would think one of the quack doctors that support it would have done one by now.
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