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Alias Born 03/25/2017

Re: None

Thursday, 09/17/2020 10:52:26 AM

Thursday, September 17, 2020 10:52:26 AM

Post# of 63075

Let's try this again...this time with no evidence of "reference" to any poster.

I have received many private messages (PM) asking my take on some of the topics recently discussed. First of all, please feel free to PM me anytime about whatever you’d like, but just know I may not get back to you immediately. I have noticed that things are not what they used to be on here. I’ve got a limited amount of time to peek in on the boards to see if our core PASOholic body has distributed new DD that I’m not already tracking. When the overwhelming majority of posts are filled with baseless fabricated misleading content, I find myself asking why I even bother stopping in anymore. I certainly don’t have to… as I have all the information I need (which I’ll get to in a moment - Four Key Facts). It takes going through fifteen posts to find one with substance and merit anymore. Eventually I convince myself that I should step in to help filter the muddy water. Second, there is simply SOME information I’m not willing to address the specifics of… not because I can’t, but because if I did, I would also need to reveal sources and methods - something I will protect at all costs (which I’ll also address later - LOI reference), so don’t take it personally.

There are FOUR KEY FACTS that have not changed (and that any amount of negativity cannot change), no matter how long that negativity persists in sowing seeds of fear and doubt:

-KEY FACT 1- The 28 May 2020 Letter Of Intent (LOI) between CLX and PASO is ACTIVE and reads in part: “CLX shall acquire, subject to the completion of due diligence, the execution of a Definitive Agreement and Board and Shareholder (if necessary) approval, 10 million shares of preferred Series Stock of PASO. It is understood by the parties with joint financial interest in CLX acquiring control of PASO is to effectuate a reverse merger between PASO and CLX Healthcare Joint Venture partnership “CLX” (“Acquisition”).” It further reads… “The parties agree not to negotiate with any other reverse merger or financing candidates during the pendency of this Letter of Intent.” What you just read means that the deal is still on. Until someone can produce PROOF that this LOI has been terminated between CLX and PASO, then that means the reverse merger (RM) is still happening. It also means that there aren’t any other RM candidates, so if, figuratively speaking, a comment were to be made similar to “they better hurry up before someone else makes them an offer they can’t refuse", that comment would be baseless and ignorant to the facts. They are so far along in their process… it would take another 6-8 months to do what they’ve accomplished so far on this deal if they were to change gears now. If (figuratively speaking) someone were to ask, “Why is it taking so long!?” and then turn right around and say “They better hurry up before CLX changes their mind to go a different route!”, this would highlight a severe lack of both operational cognizance and general business comprehension. The concept is simply nonsensical. So, they better hurry up or else they are likely to start the process all over again? LOL! Because there's all kinds of time left for that, right? The consensus is that "the app" (in conjunction with HealthyAmerica) needed to be launched and deployed like...yesterday. A savvy investor would be able to see right through all this noise.

-KEY FACT 2- The CLX consortium (and their partnerships) have EVERYTHING to lose. That’s right, CLX is tied to PASO, there is no question about this. There is an ACTIVE LOI between the two entities that addresses a RM proposal and ongoing due diligence. As I’ve mentioned before, TRANSUNION, UST GLOBAL, SIRIUS IQ, AVAILITY, ETC have BILLIONS of dollars in collective valuation and real reputations to uphold. You think they haven’t checked out PASO? You think if they found something they didn’t like that they would continue to stick around and maintain a relationship (two degrees of separation or not) through an ACTIVE LOI? The reality is that these companies have EVERYTHING to lose if they are sleeping with a penny stock scam - some pump-and-dump fly-by-night operation. Essentially, you will have been part of the “deal” that lead to the down-turn of the companies listed above if this all turns out to be a sham. So, come back to reality. Some may argue that the pair isn’t mentioned often enough together… well, that’s because there is an ongoing RM deal being brokered! Get over it! Going back to the LOI for just a moment: “Each of the parties hereto shall, and shall cause their agents and representatives, to keep confidential as proprietary and privileged information the negotiations of the parties respecting the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby, and any other item which may be expressly identified or noticed as confidential hereby (“Confidential Information”).” Reading on…. “All parties agree there are restrictions with regard to any communication of information concerning this Letter of Intent and the transaction contemplated hereby to its respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees, attorneys, accountants, consultants and advisors, and to third parties whose consent may be required in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby.” In case you aren’t certain what that means, in layman’s terms it means they aren’t able to speak freely on the details regarding the ongoing process. There are non-disclosure agreements in place. So no matter how hard someone might want to beg/plead to Joseph Gonzalez (JG) (or to staff of other companies involved in this JV - part of CLX or an affiliate) to disclose information about PASO, they aren’t going to get it because IT’S NOT ELIGIBLE FOR PUBLIC RELEASE! If anyone thinks it should be, oh well! This is REAL business. Hypothetically, one could parade around as if they were entitled to whatever information they might choose to inquire about, but that would be ill-advised (If you know where I'm going with this, you know). Retail shareholders of PASO are the ABSOLUTE BOTTOM of the totem pole. No confidential information is owed to these shareholders. The companies that are part of this have everything to lose, and aren’t going to risk this monster deal just so Joe Retailer can have his back rubbed for nap time. Grow up.

////Start courtesy of BBW

CLX Partners

TransUnion (NYSE: TRU) TransUnion is a global information and insights company that makes trust possible in the modern economy. We do this by providing a comprehensive picture of each person so they can be reliably and safely represented in the marketplace. As a result, businesses and consumers can transact with confidence and achieve great things. We call this Information for Good.® A leading presence in more than 30 countries across five continents, TransUnion provides solutions that help create economic opportunity, great experiences and personal empowerment for hundreds of millions of people.

SiriusIQ: Our technology and healthcare IT experience goes back to 2003 while connecting Hospitals and Provider Groups to Health Plans for administrative transactions in the early days of HIPAA adoption and implementations. Today, the technology behind our suite of Laboratory interoperability has expanded to include connections to patients, labs, health plans and entire health systems - including post- acute care. Our platform has developed connections to the top 22 medical laboratories in the United States cover over 90% of all testing and will facilitate the transactions between ordering medical professionals and medical laboratories.
UST Global is a multinational provider of Digital technology and transformation, IT services and solutions, headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, United States. The company has offices in over 25 countries including USA, India, Mexico, UK, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Spain and Poland. UST Global has oriented its services around the following major platforms to offer our services in a Business Platform- as-a-Service (BPaaS) model while continuing to support enterprise-class customers with more traditional IT and BPO services.

Strategic Partner

Availity: Availity operates the largest real time information network in healthcare, connecting over a million physician offices, hospitals, health plans and their technology partners processing billions of HIPAA transactions annually. Availity also offers providers, hospitals, and health systems revenue cycle and patient financial management solutions.
Confidential | © 2020 TransUnion LLC All Rights Reserved | 15

Now your final clue for now as you perform your Due


-KEY FACT 3- The Definitive Closing Agreement (DA) has a Q4 2020 (calendar year) target for ink. So, essentially from October-December 2020, we should expect to see some ink. Could it happen before then? Sure, I suppose so, but let’s not get all hasty when the target window for what we’re all really waiting for hasn’t even arrived yet. “But it would be nice to see the PPS higher at this point.” Uh, yeah, I agree… but you aren’t going to hear me complaining about it because it really doesn’t matter right now. It truly doesn’t…not unless all you are here for is a quick flip. If that’s you, go find another stock to “play” in. The DA is what is going to propel this stock to the next level. Read this next sentence 100 times over if you have to: Everything else between now and the ink on that paper is inconsequential for those who know what they own, in my most humble opinion.

-KEY FACT 4- (The most important one of all) JG is who he is AND is part of the team actively orchestrating and facilitating the development of this deal…the deal that becomes increasing more impressive as the bread crumbs are slowly revealed. JG is highly respected in the medical and IT communities. Let me introduce you to the guy who’s working his tail off every day to get the DA one step closer to having ink on it... and just so happens to also own a tens of millions of PASO shares: Joseph Gonzalez, 48, was the Founder/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Sunfish Health beginning in 2014. Sunfish Health is a Clinical Data exchange focused on mining and normalization of clinical information for use by Health Insurance Companies. For over 18 years Mr. Gonzalez has developed and/or advised with the nation's leading companies in the financial, healthcare, and clinical data verticals. During that period, he Co-Founded Inmediata in 2004, a Puerto Rico based Healthcare clearinghouse, and led their US Mainland expansion initiative under the Secure EDI brand. His team was responsible for growing Inmediata from a start up to a topline of $30M. Inmediata was sold to private equity for $90M in 2013. Joseph has been professionally engaged in the industry by holding leadership roles with standards developing organizations. From 2010-2015 he served as member of the Cooperative Exchange, the US Association of Health IT companies, Executive Committee and Board of Directors. From 2012 to 2015 he served as its President and Chairman. He has also held the positions of Vice Chairman and Board of Directors Trustee to the NCPDP/NDEDIC. Joseph has Chaired or co-chaired committees and workgroups within ASC X12, Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI), Center for Affordable Quality Healthcare's CORE initiative and the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC). Joseph has been a featured speaker on 4010/5010 transaction transition, Innovations in Healthcare Payments and Electronic Remittance, and testified before Health and Human Services (Center for Medicare Services), U.S. Congressional Health Data Advisory Sub Committee. Additionally, he has been a featured participant in Healthcare Informatics Round table events hosted by the Robert W Johnson Foundation and authored white papers on Clinical Data & Electronic Medical Record strategies and solutions. As the current Chief Strategy Officer of SiriusIQ (part of the CLX consortium), he is involved in the development of solutions that leverage powerhouse leaders like Microsoft, solutions that feature government-level-encrypted end-to-end compliance, and solutions that feature the highest level of telemetry in the industry. Mr. Gonzalez was recently asked to speak as a featured panelist at the Data & Disruptors Seminar at Becker’s Hospital Review Annual Health IT Conference being held in Navy Pier, Chicago October 13-16 (not something you send just any guy to). JG holds a BA in Political Science from the United States Naval Academy.

As a service member myself, I know my time in the military has changed me. I am a better person because I live the core values every single day. Having lived them now for 13 years, I can tell you that when the time comes to resign my commission (or retire) I will continue to live them… because it has been engrained into my being. I’m confident the same can be said for JG and his time in the Navy. Take a look at what he lived and likely continues to live:

Department of the Navy Core Values Charter

As in our past, we are dedicated to the Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment to build the foundation of trust and leadership upon which our strength is based and victory is achieved. These principles on which the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps were founded continue to guide us today. Every member of the Naval Service – active, reserve, and civilian, must understand and live by our Core Values. For more than two hundred years, members of the Naval Service have stood ready to protect our nation and our freedom. We are ready today to carry out any mission, deter conflict around the globe, and if called upon to fight, be victorious. We will be faithful to our Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment as our abiding duty and privilege.

I am accountable for my professional and personal behavior. I will be mindful of the privilege I have to serve my fellow Americans. I will:
* Abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, taking full responsibility for my actions and keeping my word.
* Conduct myself in the highest ethical manner in relationships with seniors, peers and subordinates.
* Be honest and truthful in my dealings within and outside the Department of the Navy.
* Make honest recommendations to my seniors and peers and seek honest recommendations from junior personnel.
* Encourage new ideas and deliver bad news forthrightly.
* Fulfill my legal and ethical responsibilities in my public and personal life.

Courage is the value that gives me the moral and mental strength to do what is right, with confidence and resolution, even in the face of temptation or adversity. I will:
* Have the courage to meet the demands of my profession.
* Make decisions and act in the best interest of the Department of the Navy and the nation, without regard to personal consequences.
* Overcome all challenges while adhering to the highest standards of personal conduct and decency.
* Be loyal to my nation by ensuring the resources entrusted to me are used in an honest, careful and efficient way.

The day-to-day duty of every man and woman in the Department of the Navy is to join together as a team to improve the quality of our work, our people and ourselves. I will:
* Foster respect up and down the chain of command.
* Care for the personal and spiritual well-being of my people.
* Show respect toward all people without regard to race, religion or gender.
* Always strive for positive change and personal improvement.
* Exhibit the highest degree of moral character, professional excellence, quality, and competence in all that I do.

Link for details on the above graphics:

I want to know (seriously, I want to know in a formal response), what other penny stock have you owned where ANY of the key players had this caliber of resume, had this level of previous success, was this well respected, AND was willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for his/her country? I suspect you won’t have to think too long on this. Clearly the opportunity you are sitting on right now is not like the rest. This is truly once in a lifetime.

I’ve just given you the FOUR KEY FACTS that have not changed and will not change regardless of how much negativity is floated. Read them every single day if you have to in order to keep your sanity. I know, I know… it can be hard to see red when you feel it should be green…I'm right here with you... but these are the FACTS, not my opinions. FACTS. They may be argued, but to no avail.

FOUR KEY FACTS in summary:
1) PASO and CLX have an open and ACTIVE LOI. No other RM candidates are being considered. The deal is still on.
2) Companies part of (and affiliated with) CLX Health have EVERYTHING to lose. They would not entertain working a deal that would jeopardize their reliability, revenue, or reputation.
3) The DA is expected to be signed inside of Q4 of the 2020 calendar year (OCT-DEC 2020).
4) Joseph Gonzalez is one of the pivotal players brokering relationships and contracts for the joint venture. A leader who has a proven track record of extremely high levels of success and achievement - both in government and private sectors. Did I mention he and his family have collectively held over 83,000,000 shares (with the overwhelming majority far from completing the 1 year maturation period)? No big deal.

The choice is yours. Focus on the facts (that have not changed) and ride out the waves until the DA is signed OR be influenced by negativity, fear, and doubt.

The risk vs reward here is comical, and this train is going to leave with or without you. Will there be another train? Sure...there always is, but the next one may not be hauling precious cargo capable of changing industry standards for decades (yes, this JV is about way more than a COVID-19 app).

I'll have to leave it at that. Need to get back to my TRUsty "exercise bike".

Take a screen shot in case she gets deleted! Cheers.