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Re: Soulman856 post# 30882

Wednesday, 09/16/2020 5:00:41 AM

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 5:00:41 AM

Post# of 30974
After closing of merger:

Share structure:
Authorized :1,400,000,000
Outstanding : 1,273,330,060
Restricted : 1,145,997,540
Float : 127,333,060

Figured out by:

Authorized found by latest 8k filing updating articles if incorporation

Restricted calculated:
9,000,000 shares of HSH times the exchange rate in the agreement of 127.33306 gives you the restricted. They get 90% of the new HSMG/VRTY

Receiver gets 9% = 114,599,754
These were issued on 8/27/2020

Shareholders get 1% = 12,733,306

A reverse split could happen , but need to see if the receiver made their money. They aren't going to take a lost on their own investment. If they haven't been selling think we are okay