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Alias Born 08/19/2020

Re: None

Sunday, 08/23/2020 8:17:23 PM

Sunday, August 23, 2020 8:17:23 PM

Post# of 48366
More info for the group (source is a new found friend from Twitter/Stock Watch):

Bistromatics is the CTO’s (chief technical officer) company in Canada. EWLL currently licenses the PHZIO telemedicine platform from them as well as the IP (intellectual property rights which means they can decide how the tech is used). They are going to transfer these back to Bistromatics aka the CTO in exchange for significant ownership of Bistromatics. Now what this does is gives them asset leverage, our EWLL will now own assets which gives them a credit rating along with their revenue. Now Bistromatics is not going to give ownership to a company they do not trust or that has a chance of bankruptcy because then they become vulnerable. That’s where the 20B A/S come in. With that ability to raise capital there is almost no chance of bankruptcy.
In exchange for all of this EWLL, now led by Douglas MaLellan, will become a VAR (Value Added Reseller). A VAR takes the original software and packages it with other hardware for sale. In this case the value added will be:
Physical Rehab
Monitered exercise and fitness
Nutritional Consults
Mental Wellness; Legal; and other counseling.

They will charge employers $2/month per employee base fee for all of this. They expect to cut employers costs by 67% just on the Physical Rehab portion alone.
They will target large companies. So essentially what they are offering large companies is an all inclusive platform. This is what LRDG signed on with them for, and as we have seen LRDG’s subsidiary 27 Health definitely has the ability to sell.
EWLL just made their first revenues in 2019. We are in at ground floor of a company that has multiple Billion revenue potential. The pay with services will be done via Blockchain so there is no cash involved.
So now we have 4 companies working very closely together. When you buy shares of EWLL you are getting the work of 4 companies revenue streams.
The $2 is just the base rate, they add charges/session. That is why our new CEO is estimating numbers of 6m patients by the end of 2020. If this works, which it has a very good chance of, Ewellness will become a centerpiece of ever major corporations employee package.

When they outlined their negative capital being $8,114,425. Most of not all of this was spent on R&D. So my guess would be this system is set and ready to go. They also said they only need 1.6M in Capital to get this going because all they need is to start the massive ad campaign.

***Information from a new found friend on Twitter, everyone say hi and thank you to Sesh. You’re the best!!