To me it seems every country should legalize. We've all heard about people drinking themselves to death. Has anyone every heard about a pothead od'ing? I am so surprised that Spain and Italy are not further along the road to legalisation. Both the present Madrid and Rome coalition governments are the most sympathetic towards cannabis legalisation of all previous governments. And both need tax money to pay for the virus crisis, however, the European Central Bank and the Brussels governing bureaucratic elite are hell bent on borrowing, printing euros, and more borrowing their way out Covid's economic collapse. Sometimes I think we Europeans are already down the Mad Hatters hole as economic common sense seems to be an alien species on this continent... in fact, common sense seems to be an outlaw on this continent.... maybe when we wake up, and see the need for real money, then Italy, Spain, Greece et al will legalise, regulate and tax the plant...'john1311'