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Re: Beatcovid post# 9304

Thursday, 08/20/2020 3:23:45 PM

Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:23:45 PM

Post# of 36678
I am happy we share a same vision here. People chasing an empty wish or promise and doesn't realize it only take one stock to make 6-7 figure income. Matter of fact it only take one good pick to change their lifestyle. Therefore, Why spend 95% of your time playing on short term macro trends? Why not focus 95% of your time do the research learn the company fundamental staying committed to your goal because that is one of the important fundamental principles of success. Being committed also requires creating long term goals, and then devising a vision and direction to achieve those goals. If you don't know the company fundamental you won't understand and have no vision nor see the way a thing turns out.

"If you don't know where you going you will end up somewhere else"