Your Predictions Exceeded
Wow. They did it! They squeaked out positive cash flow from operations alone. First time ever. Whew! I love that. I want to know what it was for just this quarter though. I don't see that. That has to better.
They had an increase in sales across all sectors, again. Not level as you imagined. This is good. If they can remain positive from operations alone, which seems much more probable without a security that's labor intensive, they may be more in alignment with my expectations.
That guard is was good too. That's going to be a big hit in sales, but hopefully expands our sails. They dramatically reduced their G&A too. I'm just barely glancing as I have to get back to work, but that's good on the surface. Have $2M in cash. And that's before the sale of Helix Security.
I'm only worried about dilution at this point. Thank you, Zac and team! They can be self-sustaining now, without the need of going to the market if all things remain in motion and the law of inertia holds up without some outside force acting upon it. Unless they want to do anotheer power grab. But I say let's coast a bit. I think the ball is in their court now for financing. I want to see all this crap refinanced at better terms.