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Post# of 200805
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Alias Born 03/28/2001

Re: None

Friday, 07/24/2020 11:53:13 PM

Friday, July 24, 2020 11:53:13 PM

Post# of 200805
The recent PR per unlicensed users is smacking at need for our new factories to incorporate the rfid-nfs on all new machines. The hospitals using it are do so in a decentralized manor uniquely within each their own health care systems. A robust cloud data system needs to be incorporated by PCT.

To benefit the owners and us to see the fruits of our down-line generators.

Most indubidiblly within the future per cruise-lines and the canopy of cannabis rooms. Chessepeeke did such fine job on the web-sites. I hope a suitor with vision will take this to next level.
