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Re: james54188 post# 34900

Thursday, 07/23/2020 10:06:41 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2020 10:06:41 AM

Post# of 35863
Outcrop Gold ocg.v/mrddf C$.69

This one has already zoomed from .08 to .69 this year. ~100 million shares out FD so market cap is around C$70million. That seems high to me for a property that they just acquired in 1/20. The drill results are high grade but narrow. Several are less than a meter wide, which most companies don't even report. BUT the grade in silver is very high, over 1,000gm/tonne in several cases. Not even an inferred resource. I'm not a big fan of narrow vein mining. This area has a history of mining but narrow vein mining can be hit and miss. Whether this will turn into a real mine is questionable.

BUT Eric Sprott thought it was worth $1million bucks and they now have the hype machine going so it could go up more, especially if silver really takes off.

I didn't like the executive compensation. This guy took $180K in 2018 and over 243K in 2019 when he had nothing. None of the other projects looks like anything. He just bought this one project in January and has been drilling, pumping and financing the hell out of it.

If I was Eric Sprott and I had billions, maybe I would spend 1 million on it. I'm not so unless you're a nifty trader, I would stay away until this guy produced at least an inferred resource. $70 million market cap is fairly substantial for what he has so far. Good luck.

This type of early developmental prospecting is not my cup of tea so I'm not going to get excited about most of these. The bear market has been hard on me so I have been sticking mostly with producers. That obviously colors my opinion so take my little peek at the company with a grain of salt.

Please post stock symbols first in all your posts. If it's a foreign stock, please list the US pk equivalent symbol.

If the Commodities Boom is Over, I am just a Gold Bug headed for the Windshield of LIFE

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