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Alias Born 09/08/2004

Re: DSherman post# 762

Wednesday, 07/01/2020 4:47:50 PM

Wednesday, July 01, 2020 4:47:50 PM

Post# of 812
Yeah, did you see the response to the fools trading McDermott when the shares were extinguished yesterday or the day before ? Some people just don’t listen, though they did to the Twitter pumpers.

Stock extinguished, gone, vaporized, just like HOSed will be shortly.

I love the PR about the 99% approval from bond holders and creditors, like we had a choice...

And Todd moves along, living life large on the farm, like nothing’s happened.

Only in the world of HOSed does this take place.

I am a bit surprised some of his employee/crew members haven’t yet sunk a boat or two, just to let Todd know their displeasure after losing their life’s investment.
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