Sprint...That was a message I deleted. Believe me, a very sensitive subject. I love hearing Omni's predictions/picks like most other people, but he did spam the same message on 3 boards within 1 minute. I am still not sure why he does that, I know that he just loves to give picks and talk about them. But, I would have to think that most people have an eye on the 3 boards he posts on. Again, I know it is a sensitive subject, and I hate deleting messages from someone that has the reputation and ability that Omni has, but it is a rule of the board. It does appear, unfortunately, that he has stopped posting on this board. Honestly, I think that is a shame. I think he brings a lot. But, there ya go.
Never let successes go to your head nor failures go to your heart.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference