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Alias Born 05/11/2011

Re: gimmegimmeminemine post# 191163

Thursday, 06/04/2020 8:56:10 AM

Thursday, June 04, 2020 8:56:10 AM

Post# of 284355
you're welcome.

So while this will be dilution it doesnt have to end up flooding the open market with shares to be sold right away.

That is correct. Sometimes it helps to put things in perspective. The way I see it, the first round ($11.5 million) will equate to about 5-10% dilution. But how often does our share price move 5-10% on no news? I think it's quite often. So if you told me getting $11.5 million in the bank would equate to a 5-10% down move in our share price, I would sign up for that any day of the week. The cash is too important for us right now.
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