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Alias Born 03/02/2013

Re: None

Friday, 05/01/2020 8:25:02 AM

Friday, May 01, 2020 8:25:02 AM

Post# of 1715
KERR Mines seems to mainly ‘Grant Options’ ??
"... @AlohaGold88 All that happens with this company is grant options, get to work drilling and getting ready for production please..."

I agree with AlohaGold88, Kerr Mines needs to stop continually Granting OPTIONS and start providing their investors drill results, an updated Copperstone Resource / RESERVE and a realistic date regarding high-grade gold production... ASAP

& yet the KERR MINES shareholders are IMHO left in the dark particularly regarding recent drill results ... Extremely FRUSTRATING !

Maybe they could start providing their investors with low priced options as well?