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Alias Born 03/15/2020

Re: lab40 post# 58

Wednesday, 04/29/2020 10:57:21 AM

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 10:57:21 AM

Post# of 124

Yeah well, that's why I don't COMMENT on how other people ought to manage their MONEY. You NEVER KNOW what their level of education is, goals, experience, what financial instruments or data they're working off of, etc..

Lots of folks like to make ASSUMPTIONS about what's best. I don't. I see a GREAT STOCK, I say so! Leave it up to others to make THEIR OWN determinations & discern how they'll BEST wealth build. Moreover, NOT EVERYONE has the same time flexibility, etc., & that can SIGNIFICANTLY limit what kinds of instruments you'd be inclined to use!

Another GREAT DAY here: Technically PERFECT! For me, anyways... All the RegSho data & other info I triangulate suggested a short-attack into earnings. And I was glad the chart served me well. gl

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