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Alias Born 09/10/2000

Re: None

Wednesday, 10/08/2003 7:28:22 PM

Wednesday, October 08, 2003 7:28:22 PM

Post# of 41875

...the Next Thing you will be Buying will Likely be the Brooklyn Bridge.

One thing's for sure: every theory about 9-11 must be a conspiracy theory. (The events of 9-11 couldn't have happened entirely by chance, without a conspiracy behind them, now could they have?) The only question is, which conspiracy theory you are going to believe?

Please, please, please read the following, written by a person who wishes to remain anonymous, apparently because he fears for his own safety. (Heck, I don't even know if he's actually a she!) But all the material used in his/her argument is so carefully referenced that there is absolutely no question whatsoever that the offical 9-11 story is a crock.

So it doesn't matter who wrote it - the argument speaks for itself!
Ardeshir Mehta, Ottawa, Canada
Easter Monday, April 21, 2003


by Anonymous

Due to concerns for his personal safety, the author has chosen to remain anonymous.

Author hereby grants full permission to reproduce and mass distribute this paper for non-commercial use.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860


Every news story you are about to review in this comprehensive research paper is true and easily verifiable. This investigation represents 10 months of careful study, research, analysis, source verification and logical deduction. Every event and quote presented here is 100% accurate. There are over 100 detailed footnotes which I encourage, no, urge, readers to explore and verify for themselves. This Internet version will allow users to obtain instant verification for each and every footnote by clicking on the links. Due to the fact that well organized efforts are under way to suppress these facts, some of these news links are mysteriously disappearing even as we speak. Fortunately, this information has all been transcribed by many web users and is has therefore been preserved from the censors. These footnote searches will take you directly to the news sites of many well known established media organizations throughout the world as well as opening up doors to a world of knowledge and information that has been concealed from you. With just a little common sense and a few clicks of a mouse, the Internet now enables anyone with an ounce of curiosity to become a Sherlock Holmes.

This is no opinion piece. Rather it is a collection of buried, but undeniable facts, events, and quotes which, when assembled in one place, will state their own conclusions. In putting together this research in a logical and sequential format, great care was taken to confirm and double confirm every piece of information. Any and all questionable data which could not be independently verified to this author’s satisfaction was discarded.

Taken individually, each story, quote and event may not amount to a full case. But when taken collectively, this mountain of facts should hammer home the truth to even the most skeptical reader. I intend to set forth in this paper an overwhelming body of evidence which should forever destroy the notion that a Saudi Arabian caveman and his band of half-trained, nerdy Arab flight school attendees, orchestrated the most sophisticated terror operation in world history. The idea is utterly laughable. And yet, due to the blithering barrage of bullshit dished out by the government/media complex, "patriotic" Americans have accepted this ridiculous fairy tale with a religious conviction. As a public service to my fellow Americans, I have published the results of my research in the hopes of liberating as many people as I can from the oppressive yoke of media brainwashing and state sponsored lies.


Reactions from the Israeli side to the September attack:

Ehud Sprinzak, terrorism expert at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said "From the perspective of Israelis, it is the most important public relations act ever committed in our favor."

The attack "was good for the Israelis," "It is very good", said Netanyahu...before he caught himself and amended his statement.

In an interview with Le Monde, Ami Ayalon, former Head of the Israeli Militia for Israel, stated: "Since September 11, our leaders have been euphoric."not be enraged at witnessing this horrific act of barbarism? To read about some faraway, long-ago genocide in a newspaper or a book is distressing enough. But to actually witness the mass murders of what was, at first, believed to have been tens of thousands of innocent people is truly heart stopping and traumatic. I barely slept for two nights afterwards and suffered nightmares. Polling data would later reveal that 65% of Americans actually shed tears on 9-11. 1

But not all of the eye-witnesses to the 9-11 slaughter were so saddened. On September 11, five Israeli army veterans were arrested by the FBI after several witnesses saw them "dancing", "high-fiving", and "celebrating" as they took pictures of the World Trade Center disaster from across the river in New Jersey. Steven Gordon was the lawyer who volunteered to represent the five Israelis. He was asked by a Hebrew newspaper why the five men were being detained by the FBI. Here’s what Gordon told Yediot America:

"On the day of the disaster, three of the five boys went up on the roof of the building where the company office is located," said Gordon. "I'm not sure if they saw the twin towers collapse, but, in any event, they photographed the ruins right afterwards. One of the neighbors who saw them called the police and claimed they were posing, dancing and laughing, against the background of the burning towers… .

"Anyhow, the three left the roof, took an Urban truck, and drove to a parking lot, located about a five-minute drive from the offices. They parked, stood on the roof of the truck to get a better view of the destroyed towers and took photographs. A woman who was in the building above the lot testified that she saw them smiling and exchanging high-fives. She and another neighbor called the police and reported on Middle-Eastern looking people dancing on the truck. They copied and reported the license plates." 2

When the photos were developed, they revealed that the dancing Israelis were smiling in the foreground of the New York massacre. 3

According to ABC’s 20/20 attempted whitewash of the incident, in addition to their outrageous and highly suspicious behavior, the five also had in their possession the following items; box-cutters, European passports, and $4,700 cash hidden in a sock. 4

Why were these Israeli agents so happy about the horrible massacre that was unfolding right before their very eyes? What evil spirit could possess people who are supposed to be America's "allies", and who receive billions of dollars in financial and military aid from US taxpayers each year, to publicly rejoice as innocent people (including many American Jews) were burning to death and jumping out of 110 story buildings? Could it be that these happy Israeli army veterans were in some way linked to this monstrous attack? That’s what officials close to the investigation initially told The Bergen Record newspaper of New Jersey. 5


The days and hours leading up to 9-11 were marked by a series of chilling warnings about impending terrorist plots involving hijacked commercial airplanes. It's worth mentioning at this point that months before 9-11, the US had already informed some of its allies of plans to go to war in Afghanistan. On June 26, 2001, News Insight/India Reacts, an Indian public affairs magazine, wrote:

"India and Iran will "facilitate" US and Russian plans for "limited military action" against the Taliban if the contemplated tough new economic sanctions don't bend Afghanistan's fundamentalist regime. Indian officials say that India and Iran will only play the role of "facilitator" while the US and Russia will combat the Taliban from the front with the help of two Central Asian countries, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, to push Taliban lines back to the 1998 position 50 km away from Mazar-e-Sharief city in northern Afghanistan. Military action will be the last option though it now seems scarcely avoidable with the UN banned from Taliban-controlled areas" 6

The story of US military involvement in Afghanistan was reported months before 9-11 in Indian and British 7 publications but it was never reported in the US media. With the military plans already in motion since at least June of 2001, all that was needed was for an "incident" to take place to justify the US going to "war against Terrorism" in Afghanistan.

Here are just a few of the advance warnings which were brought to light in the aftermath of 9-11:

The London Daily Telegraph reported on September 16, 2001:

"The Telegraph has learned that two senior experts with Mossad, the Israeli military intelligence service, were sent to Washington in August to alert the FBI and CIA to the existence of a cell of as many as 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation. They had no specific information about what was being planned but linked the plot to Osama Bin Laden and told American officials that there were strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement." 8

Do you smell a "false flag" operation in the works? How is possible that the Mossad knew of the existence of these 200 terrorists but could not name or locate a single one? And how convenient for Israel that Saddam Hussein should be in cahoots with Osama Bin Laden, despite the fact that Bin Laden and Hussein hate each other!

The Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), one of Germany’s most respected newspapers, quoted German intelligence sources who said that the Echelon electronic spy network gave US and Israeli intelligence agencies several warnings that suicidal hijack attacks were being planned against US targets. [url=9 Echelon is capable of monitoring all of the electronic communication in the world. Utilizing 120 satellites, the Echelon system is designed to suck up enormous amounts of data by using keyword search techniques to sift through the data. [url=10

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on September 12 that San Francisco Mayor and former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown was advised eight hours before the attacks that he should be careful about flying on 9-11. 11

In its September 24, 2001 issue, Newsweek Magazine broke this startling revelation:

"Three weeks ago there was another warning that a terrorist strike might be imminent… On September 10, Newsweek has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.". 12 (emphasis added.)

Wow! If these Pentagon officials were scared enough not to fly, then why didn’t the Pentagon place the Air Force on full alert? How could they have been so slow to react to 9-11 when they already knew there was a threat?

On September 27, The Washington Post reported that two workers of the Israeli company Odigo (with offices also in New York) received instant message warnings just two hours before the attacks. Here’s an excerpt from the Washington Post:

"Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks" 13

Soon after the attacks, the Odigo employees informed the management of the electronic message they had received. Israeli security services were contacted and the FBI was informed. Nothing has been heard about this event since. I think it's safe to say that "Islamic terrorists" would not have been considerate enough to send detailed E-mail warnings to some obscure Israeli office workers.


On the day of the attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)". 14

The five Israelis made such a spectacle that everyone who saw them felt compelled to call the police. According to ABC’s 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis was stopped by the police, the first words out of the driver's (Sivan Kurzberg) lying mouth were: "We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." 15 The police and FBI field agents became really suspicious when they found box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4,700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. 16

From there, the story gets becomes even more suspicious. The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the Bergen Record that a majority of his co-workers were Israelis and they were all joking about the attacks. The employee, who declined to give his name said: "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me." 17

A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System's customers were left with their furniture stuck in storage facilities. 18 The five Israeli army veterans (Mossad) were held in custody for several months before being quietly released. Some of the movers had been kept in solitary confinement for 40 days. 19

Immediately following the attacks, the media was filled with stories linking the attacks to Bin Laden. TV talking-heads and scribblers of every stripe spoon-fed a gullible American public a steady diet of the most outrageous propaganda imaginable. We were told that the reason Bin Laden attacked the USA was because he hates our "freedom" and "democracy". The Muslims were "medieval" and they wanted to destroy us because of our wealth. But Bin Laden strongly denied any role in the attacks and suggested that Zionists orchestrated the 9-11 attacks:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks....The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." 20

To date, the only shred of "evidence" to be uncovered against Bin Laden was a highly suspicious, barely audible amateur video, that Pentagon just happened to find "lying around" in Afghanistan. There is no evidence, be it hard or circumstantial, to link the Al Qaeda "terrorist network" to these acts of terror.


Hours after the 9-11 attacks, authorities began to find clues conveniently left for them to stumble upon. The Boston Globe reported that a copy of the Koran, instructions on how to fly a commercial airplane and a fuel consumption calculator were found in a pair of bags meant for one of the hijacked flights that left from Logan. 21

Authorities also received a "tip" about a suspicious white car left behind at Boston's Logan Airport. An Arabic-language flight training manual was found inside the car. 22

How fortunate for investigators that the hijackers "forgot" to take their Koran and Arab flight manuals with them! Within a few days, all "19 hijackers" were "identified" and their faces were plastered all over our television screens.

Then, like a script from a corny "B" spy movie, the official story gets even more ridiculous. The passport of the supposed "ringleader", Mohammed Atta, somehow managed to survive the explosion, inferno, and smoldering collapse to be oh-so-conveniently "found" just a few blocks away from the World Trade Center! 23

How is it possible that Arab students who had never flown an airplane could take a simulator course and then fly jumbo jets with the skill and precision of "top-gun" pilots? It is not possible and the fact is, the true identities of the 9-11 hijackers remains a mystery. For in the days following the disclosure of the "hijackers" names and faces, no less than 7 of the Arab individuals named came forward to protest their obvious innocence. 24

That's right! Seven of the nineteen "hijackers" are alive and well. They were victims of identity theft, some of whom had had their passports stolen. They were interviewed by several news organizations including the Telegraph of England. Here’s an excerpt from David Harrison’s Telegraph story entitled:
Revealed: The Men With Stolen Identities:
"Their names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen.

The men - all from Saudi Arabia - spoke of their shock at being mistakenly named by the FBI as suicide terrorists. None of the four was in the United States on September 11 and all are alive in their home country. The Telegraph obtained the first interviews with the men since they learnt that they were on the FBI's list of hijackers who died in the crashes in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

All four said that they were "outraged" to be identified as terrorists. One has never been to America and another is a Saudi Airlines pilot who was on a training course in Tunisia at the time of the attacks. Saudi Airlines said it was considering legal action against the FBI for seriously damaging its reputation and that of its pilots." 25 (emphasis added.)

The story of these identity thefts was also briefly reported by ABC 26 and BBC (England) 27 The FBI does not deny this. Nobody denies this fact because it is easily verifiable. Instead, the US media and government just ignore this inconvenient little fact and keep right on repeating the monstrous lie that the hijacker identities are known and that 15 of them were Saudis.

CNN revealed that FBI director Robert Mueller openly admitted that some of the identities of the 9-11 hijackers are in question due to identity theft. Here’s what CNN reported on September 21:
FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication. 28

This opens up a whole Pandora’s box of unanswered questions, the first and foremost of which is this: Why would Osama Bin laden, the Saudi Arabian caveman, steal identities? To cover his tracks you say? Next question: Why would a Saudi Arabian, attempting to cover his tracks, steal the identities of... fellow Saudi Arabians??? What would be the point? Why go through the trouble of stealing identities that would point back to you? Why not steal Greek identities, or Brazilian identities, or Turkish ones? A much more plausible conclusion is that non-Arabs stole these identities as part of a "false flag" operation designed to point the blame at Arabs, and Saudi Arabs in particular.

What kind of a corrupt character is FBI boss Mueller? He initially admitted that false identities were involved with 9-11, but then he allows the media to keep naming these innocent, and alive, Arabs as the hijackers? Why doesn’t he correct them? More on the slimy Mr. Mueller later on!

Now I'm really going to rock your faith in the false religion of 9-11. In February of 2000, Indian intelligence officials detained 11 members of what they thought was an Al Qaeda hijacking conspiracy. It was then discovered that these 11 "Muslim preachers" were all Israeli nationals! India’s leading weekly magazine, The Week, reported:

On January 12 Indian intelligence officials in Calcutta detained 11 foreign nationals for interrogation before they were to board a Dhaka-bound Bangladesh Biman flight. They were detained on the suspicion of being hijackers. "But we realized that they were tabliqis (Islamic preachers), so we let them go", said an Intelligence official.

The eleven had Israeli passports but were believed to be Afghan nationals who had spent a while in Iran. Indian intelligence officials, too, were surprised by the nationality profile of the eleven. "They say that they have been on tabligh (preaching Islam) in India for two months. But they are Israeli nationals from the West Bank," said a Central Intelligence official. He claimed that Tel Aviv "exerted considerable pressure" on Delhi to secure their release. "It appeared that they could be working for a sensitive organization in Israel and were on a mission to Bangladesh," the official said. 29 (emphasis added.)

What were these 11 Israelis doing trying to impersonate Al Qaeda men? Infiltrating?...perhaps. Framing?...more likely. But the important precedent to understand is this: Israeli agents were once caught red handed impersonating Muslim hijackers!

This event becomes even more mind boggling when we learn that it was Indian Intelligence that helped the US to so quickly identify the "19 hijackers"! On April 3, 2002, Express India, quoting the Press Trust of India, revealed:

Washington, April 3: Indian intelligence agencies helped the US to identify the hijackers who carried out the deadly September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, a media report said here on Wednesday. 30

Ain't that a kick in the ass?!! Did you catch that? The Indian intelligence officials that were duped into mistaking Israeli agents for Al Qaeda hijackers back in 2000, were the very same clowns telling the FBI who it was that hijacked the 9-11 planes! Keep in mind that Indian intelligence has an extremely close working relationship with Israel’s Mossad because both governments hate the Muslim nation of Pakistan. 31

Now about Mohamed Atta, you know, the so-called "ring leader". There are a number of inconsistencies with that story as well. Like some of the 7 hijackers known to be still alive, Atta also had his passport stolen in 1999 32 (the same passport that miraculously survived the WTC explosion and collapse?), making him an easy mark for an identity theft. Atta was known to all as a shy, timid, and sheltered young man who was uncomfortable with women. 33 The 5 foot 7 inch, 150 pound architecture student was such a "goody two shoes" that some of his university acquaintances in Germany refrained from drinking or cursing in front of him. How this gentle, non-political mamma's boy from a good Egyptian family suddenly transformed himself into the vodka drinking, go-go girl groping terrorist animal described by the media, has to rank as the greatest personality change since another classic work of fiction, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Atta, or someone using Atta's identity, had enrolled in a Florida flight school in 2001 and then broke off his training, making it a point to tell his instructor he was leaving for Boston. In an October 2001 interview with an ABC affiliate in Florida, flight school president Rudi Dekkers said that his course does not qualify pilots to fly commercial jumbo jets. 34 He also described Atta as "an asshole". 35 Part of the reason for Dekker's dislike for Atta stems from a highly unusual incident that occurred at the beginning of the course. Here’s the exchange between ABC producer Quentin McDermott and Dekkers:

MCDERMOTT: "Why do you say Atta was an asshole?"

DEKKERS: "Well, when Atta was here and I saw his face on several occasions in the building, then I know that they're regular students and then I try to talk to them, it's kind of a PR - where are you from? I tried to communicate with him. I found out from my people that he lived in Hamburg and he spoke German so one of the days that I saw him, I speak German myself, I'm a Dutch citizen, and I started in the morning telling him in German, "Good morning. How are you? How do you like the coffee? Are you happy here?", and he looked at me with cold eyes, didn't react at all and walked away. That was one of my first meetings I had." 36

This is eerily similar to the way in which Zacharias Moussaoui (the so-called "20th hijacker") became "belligerent" when his Minnesota flight instructor tried to speak to him in French (his first language), at the beginning of that course. The Minnessota Star Tribune reported on December 21, 2001:

"Moussaoui first raised eyebrows when, during a simple introductory exchange, he said he was from France, but then didn't seem to understand when the instructor spoke French to him. Moussaoui then became belligerent and evasive about his background, (Congressman) Oberstar and other sources said. In addition, he seemed inept in basic flying procedure, while seeking expensive training on an advanced commercial jet simulator." 37 (emphasis added.)

It truly is an amazing twist of fate that both Atta and Moussaoui both had American flight instructors who spoke German and French respectively. Even the great Mossad could not have foreseen such a coincidence! The real Atta would have been able to respond to his instructor’s German small talk and the real Moussaoui would have been able to respond to his instructor’s French small talk. Atta just walked away and Moussaoui threw a fit! Neither responded because neither could. They were imposters, whose faces were probably disguised by a make up artist. Their mission was to frame the two innocent Arabs who were probably targeted by the Mossad at random.

The imposter was able to create a new Atta by using Atta's stolen passport from 1999 - the same passport that floated safely to the ground with a few burnt edges on 9-11. These strange inconsistencies tend to give support to Mohammed Atta's father's claim that he spoke over the phone with his son on September 12th, the day after the attacks. 38 Could a group of professionals have abducted and killed the real Atta in the days following the 9-11 attacks? Mossad agents, posing as "art students" were arrested after conducting some type of operation in Hollywood, Florida, the same small town that Atta stayed in! 39 So what happened to the real Mohammed Atta? To quote his grief stricken father: "Ask Mossad!".

So who, if not the "19 Arabs" was on those planes? That’s the million dollar question! There are a number of alternative scenarios. Could some Israelis have been fanatical enough to have volunteered for such a suicide mission?

There is one interesting side note here which may or may not be of any significance. One of the two Israelis who died aboard the hijacked planes was Daniel Lewin - who was aboard the first plane to crash into the Twin Towers. The Ha‘aretz News Service of Israel revealed that Lewin, was a one-time officer in the Israeli Defense Forces elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit. 40 Oddly enough, Lewin’s name is missing from CNN’s comprehensive September 11 Memorial website.

Another possibility is that some other group of "patsies" was recruited for the operation. Perhaps some anarchists, or some leftover Marxists who thought they were going to bring down western capitalism. Or perhaps, the hijackers were another group of angry Arabs who weren’t even aware of who their true handlers really were or what the broader strategic aim of the mission actually was. In the dark world of covert operations, agents are often kept ignorant of who it is that orchestrating the show.

Admittedly, these scenarios are speculative, but one thing that is not speculative is this: the hijackers were not the 19 men whose faces were shown on our TV screens!


On October 26, 1999, the famous golfer Payne Stewart boarded a private Learjet in Florida and left for Texas. Shortly after takeoff, Stewart's jet veered sharply off course and began heading northwest. All contact with air controllers was lost. Within 15 minutes of having gone off course, US fighter jets had already intercepted the jet. Everyone on board was likely dead due to depressurization. These fighter jets were dispatched by NORAD, the branch of the US air force whose job it is to monitor and defend US airspace 24 hours a day. NORAD maintains a huge array of land-based radar systems, and has fighter jets on alert 24 hours a day so that they can respond to a crisis. The jets escorted the doomed airplane until another group of Air National Guard jets took over the escort mission. Finally, Stewart's jet ran out of fuel a crashed in South Dakota. The quick reaction time and military precision with which NORAD intercepted and escorted Stewart's jet was impressive, and exactly what one would have expected from the greatest military power in world history. 41

But on 9-11, the same NORAD which had so effortlessly intercepted Stewart's jet in 1999, was nowhere to be found during that two hour period between the first planes going off course and the last one crashing in a Pennsylvania field! How is it possible that the airspace between Boston and Washington DC, an area which contains the political and economic heart of the nation, was left completely defenseless? The second plane to hit the New York had flown off course without communication for 40 minutes. On its way to New York, it actually flew within a few miles of McGuire Air Force base in New Jersey, after the first tower had already been hit!

And how is it possible that Washington DC was left undefended (long after the New York attacks) when Andrews Air Force base is within car driving distance?

The air force jets which did finally arrive were too late. Was this due to NORAD's incompetence, or was the order to scramble the fighter jets deliberately delayed so that the terror attacks could take place. Given NORAD's impressive performance in the 1999 Payne Stewart disaster, this would suggest that someone high up in the Air Force establishment may have issued stand down orders to some of our Air Force bases. Remember, the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board is headed by Zionist Richard Perle and his gang of warmongering lackeys. 42 The civilians on this board wield the power to promote career minded Generals and Admirals. Is it really that hard to believe that a highly placed military leader could have collaborated with the true 9-11 planners?

What makes the Air Force's slow response even more outrageous and suspicious is that previously mentioned Newsweek article which revealed that several Pentagon leaders (Defense Policy Board?) cancelled flight plans for September 11 due to security concerns. 43 There were other warning signals too which we’re reviewed earlier. In light of all these warnings, why wasn’t NORAD and it's armada of fighters placed on an even higher alert than they already are? There is only one logical answer to these questions: Certain Pentagon leaders were "in on it".

General Hamid Gul, a former Director of Pakistani Intelligence, hit the nail on the head with his analysis:
"The attacks against New York and Washington were Israeli engineered."

"The attacks started at 8:45, and four flights are diverted from their assigned air space and no Air Force fighter jets scramble until 10:00. Radars are jammed, transponders fail and no IFF - friend or foe identification - challenge. In Pakistan, if there is no response to an IFF, jets are instantly scrambled. This was clearly an inside job. Will this also be hushed up in the investigation, like the Kennedy assassination?" 44

This raises another troubling set of questions. Surely the masterminds of the 9-11 operation would have taken the time to learn something about US air defense procedures. They would therefore have realized that hitting New York City with jets hijacked from Boston would have been difficult. New York is about 30 minutes away by airplane, and jumbo jets fly very slowly when compared to US fighter jets that can crack the sound barrier. Even with a 15-20 minute head start, NORAD's jets could have easily intercepted them, especially the second plane, which took a longer route to New York and flew way off course for 40 minutes. Why choose Boston's airport and jeopardize the success of the operation? Wouldn't it be safer to just hijack planes from New York's Kennedy or La Guardia Airports? Or even Newark, NJ which is just across the river? Any plane hijacked from either of those three busy airports would have been unstoppable. Even a plane from Philadelphia's Airport would have been much closer to the target than far away Boston.

The planners were no dummies. They must have counted on receiving protective cover and a window of opportunity by someone high up at US Air command. Why else choose Boston?

In addition to the protection that the planners were to receive from certain Air Force elements, there is another plausible theory for choosing Boston's Logan Airport as well as United and American Airlines planes. It should be noted that the firm which provides security at Boston's Logan Airport and also Newark Airport, and also works extensively with United and American Airlines, is a company called Huntleigh USA. 45 Claiming that Huntleigh USA's airport security was grossly negligent on 9-11, family members of some of the victims are suing Huntleigh. 46 Huntleigh USA had been acquired by ICTS International in 1999. ICTS is controlled by two Israelis; Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. 47 In short, security at Boston's Logan airport was handled (or mishandled) by an Israeli controlled company.

Is there a connection here? Could agents have been infiltrated into Logan Airport under Israeli owned Huntleigh's cover? It's quite possible. In the days following the 9-11 attacks, Israeli security professionals began aggressively marketing themselves in order to gain more airport security jobs. 48 Americans should be grateful to have such wonderful allies who care about our airport security so much!

Could some of the failure of our defense systems be attributed to a cyber attack from computer hackers? Our defense and intelligence systems are very dependent upon technology. A well coordinated attack on these systems may also have contributed to our inability to expose and prevent the attacks. There is one group that has the capability to attack our military computer systems.

In July of 1999, Ha’aretz (Israel) ran a story headlined: "Hackers Using Israeli Net Site to Strike at Pentagon": Ha’aretz reported:
"An Israeli Internet site is being used by international computer hackers as a base for electronic attacks on US government and military computer systems, according to Pentagon officials who were quoted in a Washington Times report yesterday."

"According to the Times, the real danger to US national security is the threat posed by foreign intelligence services or governments that could launch electronic warfare against the United States" 49

And look what the US Department of Justice wrote in this 1998 press release:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- "The Department of Justice, in conjunction with the FBI, the Air Force Office of Special Investigation, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, announced today that the Israeli National Police arrested Ehud Tenebaum, an Israeli citizen, for illegally accessing computers belonging to the Israeli and United States governments, as well as hundreds of other commercial and educational systems in the United States and elsewhere." 50

Edited by ansar on 10/08/03 02:01 PM.

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