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Re: ano post# 604895

Thursday, 04/23/2020 9:09:02 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2020 9:09:02 AM

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ano Thursday, 04/16/20 06:42:52 PM
Re: ano post# 600044 1.250
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of 605982
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Lawsuits (FNMA FMCC) updated april 2020

19-422 Patrick J Collins v. Mnuchin (Pending petition SCOTUS) .…Common & Preferred, Derivative
Claim: “for cause” separation of powers §?4512(b)(2)
(Decided according to David Thompson 1 week after resolution in Seila Law, ~first week of july-2020)
19-563 Mnuchin v. Patrick J Collins (Pending petition SCOTUS)…….Relates to all cases
Claim: § 4617(f) prevents ruling on 3th amendment, § 4617(b)(2)(A) (i) forbids challenging the Third Amendment
(Decided according to David Thompson 1 week after resolution in Seila Law, ~first week of july-2020)

16-3113 (4:16-cv-03113)
Patrick J Collins v. Lew …………………….…Common & Preferred, Derivative
Honorable: Judge Nancy F Atlas in District Court
Claim: “for cause” separation of powers §?4512(b)(2)
After appeal 17-20364, the 5th circuit remanded this back to Judge Nancy F Atlas in District Court, S.D. Texas, after a decision in Seila Law it will proceed (~first week of july-2020)

18-2506 (17-2185) (0:17-cv-02185)
Atif F Bhatti vs. FHFA……………Common & Preferred, Derivative
Honorable: Patrick Joseph Schiltz
District Court, D. Minnesota
Claim: 3th amendment & “for cause” separation of powers §?4512(b)(2)
On appeal in the 8th circuit, Oral Argument 10/15/2019
(The court strives to issue the opinion within 90 days after oral
Argument or submission to a nonargument panel.

13-1288 (1:13-mc-01288)
In re Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement
Class Action Litigations ………………………… Common & Preferred, Class Action Direct & Derivative
Honorable: Royce C. Lamberth
District Court for the District of Columbia
Direct claim, breaches of contract, breaches of the implied
covenant of good faith and fair dealing, breaches of fiduciary duties,
and violations of Delaware and Virginia law governing dividends
If the Direct claims is denied it also claims these Derivative: breached of fiduciary duty, compensatory damages and disgorgement, breached the terms of the certificates of designation and the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, appropriate equitable and injunctive relief to remedy breaches of contract, breaches of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, breaches of fiduciary duty, and violations of Delaware and Virginia Corporate law, including rescission of the Third Amendment.
The Class:
1) N. Bradford Isbell ....... Common
2) Michelle M. Miller ...... Common
3) Charles Rattley ………… Common
4) Timothy J. Cassell ...... Common
5) Joseph Cacciapalle .... Preferred
6) Marneu Holdings, Co .. Preferred
7) United Equities Co ….. Preferred
8) American European Insurance Co ... Preferred
9) Barry P. Borodkin ....... Preferred
10) Mary Meiya Liao ....... Preferred
Fact discovery Shall close on April 30, 2020, Trial is set for March 31, 2021 (with a pretrial 30-60 days before)

17-497 (1:17-cv-00497)
Rop v. Federal Housing Finance agency…….Common & Preferred, Derivative
Honorable: Paul L. Maloney
Claim: voiding 3th amendment & “for cause” separation of powers and
striking down HERA 12 U.S.C. §§ 4511(a), 4512(b)(2), and 4617(a)(7)
District Court, W.D. Michigan
No next Date available (waiting on Collins, as document 64 says “notice of supplemental authority concerning Collins v. Mnuchin” )

18-3478 (2:18-cv-03478)
Wazee Street Opportunities v. United States………Common, Class action, Derivative
Honorable: Nitza I Quinones Alejandro
Claim: voiding 3th amendment & “for cause” separation of powers
District Court, E.D. Pennsylvania
Aug 2, 2019 Stipulation and Order doc#36 (waiting on Collins as document 38 says Supplemental authority filed by Defendant ….. in the matter of Collins v. Mnuchin, No. 17-20364)

19-7062 (1:18-cv-01142)
Joshua J. Angel v. BOD of FNMA,FMCC & FHFA-C ….….Preferred, Direct
Previously assigned to: Honorable: Royce C. Lamberth (18-1142)
Claim: Breach of quarterly BOD duties, breach of contract, breached the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, breach of contractual rights for dividends, Breach of implicit guaranty on Junior Preferred dividends
District Court for the District of Columbia
On appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the district of columbia circuit
Judges Henderson, Griffith and Wilkins will decide Mr. Angel’s appeal without the need for oral argument that was planned for Tues., Apr. 7, 2020

13-1439 (1:13-cv-01439)
Arrowood Indemnity Company v. Fannie Mae……Preferred, Direct & Derivative
Honorable: Royce C. Lamberth
Claim: 3th amendment, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing
District Court for the District of Columbia
(Related to case Arrowood 13-698C & Joshua J. Angel, 18-1142 Doc# 3 & 89)
Fact discovery Shall close on April 30, 2020, Trial is set for March 31, 2021 (with a pretrial 30-60 days before)

13-1053 (1:13-cv-01053)
Fairholme Fund, Inc. v. FHFA……Preferred, Direct & Derivative
Honorable: Royce C. Lamberth
Claim: 3th amendment, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing
District Court for the District of Columbia
Fact discovery Shall close on April 30, 2020, Trial is set for March 31, 2021 (with a pretrial 30-60 days before)
Document # 116 Mar 18, 2020 Order on Motion to Modify

Cases in Sweeney’s U.S. Court of Federal Claims

20-121 (20-122) (13-465C) (1:13-cv-00465)
FAIRHOLME FUNDS, INC. v. United States………..Common & Preferred, Direct & Derivative
Honorable: Margaret M. Sweeney
United States Court of Federal Claims
Claim: **SEALED** 413 AMENDED COMPLAINT (Entered: 03/08/2018)
Redacted version without coercion attacks available at:
March 9, 2020 the interlocutory appeal was granted the
CFC identified six “controlling questions of law” raised by its order, the first three of
which pertain to the CFC’s decision to dismiss Petitioners’ direct claims:
(1) Whether the court lacks subject-matter jurisdiction over plaintiffs’ direct
claims for breach of fiduciary duty and breach of implied-in-fact contracts.
(2) Whether plaintiffs who purchased stock in Fannie and Freddie after the
PSPA amendments lack standing to pursue their direct claims.
(3) Whether plaintiffs lack standing to pursue their self-styled direct claims
because those claims are substantively derivative in nature.
The last three controlling questions identified by the CFC related to its decision
to deny the motion to dismiss Petitioners’ derivative claims:
(4) Whether plaintiffs have standing to assert derivative claims notwithstanding HERA’s succession clause.
(5) Whether the [FHFA-as-conservator’s] actions are attributable to the United States such that the court possesses subject-matter jurisdiction to entertain plaintiffs’ derivative takings and illegal exaction claims.
(6) Whether plaintiffs’ allegations that the FHFA entered into an implied-in-fact contract with the Enterprises to operate the conservatorships for shareholder benefit fail as a matter of law.
By no later than 14 days after the completion of that process (interlocutory appeal), the parties shall file a joint status report in which they propose further proceedings, if any are necessary.

1) 13-466C Joseph Cacciapalle ………..………… Preferred, Class Action, Direct*
2) 13-496C American European Insurance.…. Preferred, Class Action, Direct
3) 13-542C Francis J. Dennis ………………….…. Preferred
March 27, 2020 above 3 Plaintiff’s think none of their counts should be dismissed

4) 13-385C Washington Federal v. United States . Common & Preferred, Class Action, Direct*
April 2, 2020 Plaintiff argues None of the claims in Fairholme apply to their case

5) 13-608C Bryndon Fisher (FNMA) .........….. Common Derivative*
6) 14-152C Bruce Reid (FMCC) …………………… Common Derivative*
7) 13-672C Erick Shipmon……..…………………… Common Derivative
March 27, 2020 above 3 Plaintiff’s thinks their claim is substantially the same as Fairholme

8) 13-698C Arrowood Indemnity Company . Preferred Direct*
April 6, 2020 Plaintiff’s think none of the Fairholme counts apply to their case
9) 14-740C Louise Rafter .........…………………. Common Direct & Derivative*
March 31, 2020 plaintiff continue to stay until 21 days following resolution of Fairholme

10) 18-281C Owl Creek Asia I L.P...........………. Preferred, Direct *
11) 18-369C Akanthos Opportunity Master Fund .. Preferred, Direct *
12) 18-370C Appaloosa Investment .........……. Preferred, Direct *
13) 18-371C CSS LLC ……………………………………. Preferred, Direct *
14) 18-529C Mason Capital L.P...........………….. Preferred, Direct *
March 26, 2020 above 5 plaintiffs don’t want to give up the direct claims and doubt the counts in Fairholme properly represent their counts, and point out the law was breached

15) 18-1124C Wazee Street……………….………… Common, Class Action, Direct & Derivative
16) 18-1150C Highfields Capital………………….. Common & Preferred, Direct
17) 18-711C 683 Capital Partners………..……….. Common, Preferred, Direct
18) 18-712C Joseph S. Patt………………………..… Preferred, Direct
19) 18-1226C Perry Capital LLC……………………. Common & Preferred, Direct & Derivative
20) 18-1155C CRS Master Fund LP…..…………… Preferred, Direct
Above 6 Plaintiffs are staying

21) 18-1240C Quinn Opportunities Master LP… Preferred, Direct
Plaintiff above is untraceable, if you have info send it so I can update accordingly
* Jones Days plaintiffs

Sisti v. Federal Housing Finance Agency
Case number: 17-005 (90-1762)(17-042)
Honorable: John J. McConnell, Jr
District Court, D. Rhode Island
Claim: FHFA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac are government entities
March 24, 2020 Stipulation ~Until - Set Scheduling Order Deadlines
The Parties report to the Court that they are currently re-engaged in negotiations aimed at resolving the action. In order to afford the Parties with sufficient time to complete these discussions and discovery (if necessary), the Parties jointly request the Court extend the scheduling order deadlines by three (3) months to the following:
Factual Discovery to close by 6/30/2020;
Plaintiff's Expert Disclosures shall be made by 7/30/2020;
Defendants' Expert Disclosures shall be made by 8/28/2020;
Expert Discovery to close by 9/30/2020; and
Dispositive Motions due by 10/30/2020.
When decided FHFA, FNMA and FMCC are government entities for matters of constitutional claims of due process and will confirm the paragraph nobody can take action while in conservatorship.

Seila law v. Consumer Financial Protection bureau
Decision in the last 2 weeks of June 2020
Case number: 19-7 (17-56324)
Court: Supreme Court of the United States
Claim: “for cause”” removal violates the separation of powers
Transcript of argument on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
1) Questions asked by plaintiff: for cause violates the separation of powers
2) The Court added a second question: can for cause be severed from Dodd-Frank Act
Plaintiff and the government agree on the first question that “for cause” violates the constitution, but disagree on the second question
Plaintiff contends reverse the judgment and either decline to reach the question of severability or declare it is not severable.
The government argues that the Court should remand for further proceedings.
(The decision in this case will decide on Collins SCOTUS 19-422 “backward-looking relief” witch the 5th circuit en banc declined)