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Re: Shell Man post# 17977

Sunday, 04/19/2020 9:21:13 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2020 9:21:13 PM

Post# of 40932
Well that is a little awkward now, isn't it? Unfortunately an all caps declaration, based on half baked due diligence just wont change the historical facts. Always best to cross reference information when it comes to pennies I learned that lesson long ago. Especially when offered by sales marketers.

They very recently increased the A/S to 2 billion shares, so as share price hovers 1200% or more off relatively recent lows. If that isn't an invitation for SEC halt when they have been shutting down everything questionable that mentions Covid19 and chases news trends(masks were added to the website, right on que), not sure what is.

Someone presented a sincere query in regards to something as important as a retirement fund in times of financial Perils. I provided an honest answer based on my view of publicly available true grit evidence. And reminded them to follow up with their own due diligence before making their own financial decisions. rationalizing stock investments on half baked due diligence, is everyone personal perogative. But it wont change apparent facts based on evidence, even if this hits a dollar over persistent hype.

And it may, although recent trading action seems to indicate that the manipulation sweet spot has been from .01-.03. And even if the current float has all been bought up by stary eyed hopefuls. CFGN is hanging in the back ground and although we wont know for sure until they update the S/S, but the A/S increase to 2billion shares last Wed. or thurs. is an irrefutable fact. So the S/S is now far from maxed out and with $215K in active convertible debt on the books, and $1.25 million convertible in the pipeline dilution is plausible at any time now.

That said, here is the evidence I found that seems to refute your in depth analysis of key officers here... You can interpret any way you like, or even ignore it and blame the market if you keep buying this up to profit others and it all falls apart or gets suspended before you get out. I'm stuck in the house with little to do. So fact finding exercises my mind...

First, a few key excerpts from the most recent BOD letter. everything here was cut and pasted verbatim from company documentation. And original text can all be found in filings or PRs, with exception of commentary added with color altered so it is easily identifiable. So sorry for lengthiness, but I tried to insure nothing was taken out of context, so therefore copied everything that seemed relevant to its purpose...

This is also a new beginning for a more active public investor relations process that Kronos is implementing to not only keep our shareholders current on recent developments but to provide more transparency of the Company where it can more accurately and adequately be discussed in public forums.

Our new Application and Product Development Team is now led by Dr. Gorobets and COO Julius Toth. We believe the skill base of this Team better positions the Company to apply the Kronos technology directly to the design, development and assembly of Kronos products. A key component of the Kronos technology is the electronics used to generate and manage the high voltage field, to ensure the safety of the product and to allow the user to maximize the air movement, filtration and sterilization capability of the Kronos technology.(See original team upon which this statement was made within second quote below... )

We believe that the potential for Kronos patented technology to be incorporated into other products - making those products better, more efficient and more effective -is vast. Kronos embedded patented applications platform offers an unmatched range of opportunities from commercial and residential air movement and filtration products to military applications on ships and submarines to transportation, products including airplanes and automobiles, to cooling microprocessors. (If these patents are owned and controlled by a seperate and unrelated entity, wouldn't that seem to create a legal issue if the current owner is not Kronos, and pursues infringement lawsuit?)

Residential and Commercial Products: To exploit the Kronos technology in the embedded commercial and residential marketplace, Kronos strategy is twofold: (i) actively seek one or more strategic partners to develop, manufacture and market embedded air purifiers and (ii) design and develop larger size devices for customer testing and evaluation

In order to effectively market and distribute the Kronos technology to the embedded commercial and residential markets, Kronos is planning to initiate discussions with various suppliers of commercial, industrial and residential air movement and filtration products to license our Companys unique patented technology. These suppliers tend to be large multi-national companies with global product development and production, marketing, sales and/or distribution capability.(What company is going to license technology from Kronos, unless Kronos is rightful owner in full control the relevant patents. No relevant patents would seem to equal no leverage here, wouldn't it?)

Along with increased IAQ awareness is an increase in the consumer's understanding of effective and ineffective air purifiers and some of the potentially harmful side effects of some of these products sold in the market today. For example, highlighted in the latest 2020 Consumer Reports, ionizing air cleaners could expose users to lung-damaging levels of ozone, a normal bi-product of ion based electrostatic air filters.(funny they should bring that up. Receiving the exact same treatment as the other 48 units tested; The Airdog X5(AIR 5G) branded unit was put through Consumer Report's standardized 100 point unbiased testing routine, and it received a very mediocre 53 out of 100 performance points. And ranked by points received, it came in 22nd out of 49 different air purifiers tested. And was noted to be amongst the highest price tags of all 49 units) and Kronos has demonstrated the ability to minimize the production of ozone to safe levels acceptable to the most stringent requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency and in accordance with Underwriters Laboratory standards. Kronos' innovative solution for generating highly dense ion production necessary to move and purify large volumes of air while ensuring a limited ozone concentration is well within the "Good" range (as defined by the EPA) and creates a distinct competitive advantage for Kronos air purifiers.

Under the leadership of our Senior Technology Adviser, Dr.Vladimir Gorobets, Kronos continues to seek out innovative ways to improve on the core Kronos technology, as well as new and innovative applications for our proprietary technology. This effort includes filing of new patent applications. He was employed as a Senior Engineer with Kronos from 2000 to 2008 and was the lead inventor and responsible for the majority of Companys issued patents. His IP portfolio includes 41 patents and publications, including 12 US patents and 22 International patents.(well this is a little awkward. It's Compelling rhetoric, but previous management seemed to have a different perception of Dr. Gorobets rank and file within the company. See original management's perception found within second quote below.)

And a few key quotes from ANNUAL REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 and a portion of the original shareholder letter upon which this recent shareholder letter was based(Link to this letter can be found in the previous post to which you responded)...

On October 24, 2008, the Company terminated the employment of all of its employees except for Mr. Tusing and Igor Krichtafovitch, its Chief Technology Officer.(***For some strange reason previous management must have missed that memo, and appears to have retained a subordinate over the seniority of Mr. Gorobets) As a result of the Company’s financial condition, it has temporarily ceased substantially all of its operating activities. Kronos is focused on prioritizing its limited resources on either selling or licensing the Company’s technology or liquidating the assets of the Company.

Possible future impairment of intangible assets would have a material adverse effect on our financial condition.

Our net intangible assets of approximately $1.5 million as of June 30, 2008, consist principally of purchased patent technology and marketing intangibles, which relate to the acquisition of Kronos Air Technologies, Inc. in March 2000 and to the acquisition of license rights to fuel cell, computer and microprocessor applications of the Kronos technology not included in the original acquisition of Kronos Air Technologies, Inc. in May 2003 and capitalized legal costs for securing patents. Intangible assets comprise 58% of our total assets as of June 30, 2008. Intangible assets are subject to periodic review and consideration for potential impairment of value. Among the factors that could give rise to impairment include a significant adverse change in legal factors or in the business climate, an adverse action or assessment by a regulator, unanticipated competition, a loss of key personnel, and projections or forecasts that demonstrate continuing losses associated with these assets. In the case of our intangible assets, specific factors that could give rise to impairment would be, but are not limited to, an inability to obtain patents, the untimely death or other loss of Dr. Igor Krichtafovitch, the lead inventor of the Kronos technology and Kronos Air Technologies Chief Technology Officer(***Look, another blunder on previous management's gross oversight of Dr. Gorobets merits. They seemed to have perceived Igor Krichtafovitch as lead inventor. And oddly, this doesn't say if Igor dies, lets call back our secret weapon Vladimir. Without actually stating it, it flat out acknowledges, if Igor dies, we're hosed), or the ability to create a customer base for the sale Kronos-based products. Should an impairment occur, we would be required to recognize it in our financial statements. A write-down of these intangible assets could have a material adverse impact on our total assets, net worth and results of operations.

Our common stock is deemed to be "penny stock," subject to special requirements and conditions and may not be a suitable investment.
from June 21, 2005 letter to shareholders...

Electronics Development Team: A key component of the Kronos technology is the
electronics used to generate and manage the high voltage field, to ensure the
safety of the product
and to allow the user to maximize the air movement,
filtration and sterilization capability of the Kronos technology. Kronos has
recently combined our electronics team (Messrs. Bibikov, Krichtafovitch,
O'Harah, and Ziomkowski)
(Not seeing Mr Gorobets name here. so was not even a part of that team, let alone leader of it) with the design and product development resources of
Tech En, Inc. (a contract design firm that specializes in refinement of existing
electronic products). This combination of skills and resources has resulted in
Kronos reducing the size of the power supply by one half and the number of
components by one third compared to our first generation electronics. This
effort not only translates directly into lower cost, but allows Kronos to
develop even smaller size air movement, filtration and sterilization devices.

As the awareness of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) continues to grow and people become
more aware that the hazards of poor IAQ goes beyond just dust particles, Kronos
is seeking to establish an industry leadership position in setting the standard
for biohazard, bacteria and virus removal from the air stream we breath. Led by
Dr. Vladimir Gorobets, our Senior Engineer, Kronos' is obtaining further
verification of our product claims platform through university, government,
commercial and other independent testing sources.
(So not saying it wasn't important, but as an engineer that understood the mechanics of Igor's inventions, essentially, his role seems to have been public relations with testing facillities according to this excerpt. I tried to find a more complete description of his overall role but haven't found anything solid yet)

Some other links that seem to dispute Dr. gorobets position as Chief Technology officer and lead inventor...(scroll to bottom of each page to reveal the reality)...

If you are still having doubts, the information on the USPTO is probably the most reliable. I tried to create links, but it is set up as a portal into their data base, so direct link to relevant information regarding inventorship was not an option. As an alternative I took two random screenshots, that can be found within the same link from previous post. Take a closer look at the very top of the two, blue text on white background images where it says "Inventor".

And if you follow the assignments, you will discover that one of the two was actually patented by Igor completely independent of the company and later assigned as was probably sold to the company. And if you go to the bottom of each of those documents, you will discover the final Assignee, which represents the current rightful owner in full control of respective patents. Neither of which are Kronos advanced technologies.

Although as a senior engineer he played some sort a role in these patents, and is listed on most of the company patents as secondary inventor, I am not seeing: PATENT OWNER VLADIMIR GOROBETS, PHD DIRECTOR's name listed anywhere as inventor, let alone current owner/assignee any more than Kronos advanced technologies is documented current owner on any of the Kronos technology in the patent office's database.

And since a company can't license patents that they don't own. And Kronos entire business model is 100% reliant on full ownership in control of their own patented technology with a paid up current status at the patent office. To in turn, license said Kronos core patented technology to other companies for royalty profits, as is implicated in multiple locations of the most recent B.O.D. letter.

So yes this would seem to present a huge obstacle for the company to pursue large government contracts to previous postthat clarifies ownership details of at least two of the claimed "company owned" patents. Its pretty much the same story all the way down the line and is all free to view on the USPTO database, if you are truly interested in the probable reality here. And until something changes on the USPTO data base or they present verifiable documentation to refute the USPTO's reflected status of all of their patents, facts are facts.

To demonstrate the probable reality here with a case in point of what they do or don't actually own. One really doesn't need to look any further than the first paragraph of the latest Airdog agreement PR and follow a basic lines of logic...


Los Angeles , CA, April 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Los Angeles, California /GLOBENEWSWIRE/- April 8, 2020 -KRONOS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, Inc., (OTC:KNOS) ("KNOS" or the "Company") a proprietary product development and production company that has significantly changed the way air is moved, filtered and sterilized announced today it has secured exclusive North and South American production and distribution rights for an air purification and disease destruction product line that utilizes the Kronos(R) CORE technology that has been developed by Kronos to produce, market and distribute commercial and residential air purification products, bacteriological and virus destruction devices. The agreement provides Kronos with the exclusive license to manufacture, use and sell these products in the Americas. The first products are scheduled to launch this month with some already available via

OK, So dumb question on my part here... Don't you find it a little peculiar that Kronos has licensed their own technology from another company instead of licensing Kronos technology to the other company? I mean, If Kronos owns, or controls the proprietary CORE technology utilized in this product agreement, shouldn't they be the ones issuing the license for the other company's opportunity to use Kronos technology in airdog product? Rather than receiving a license to pay royalty profits to Airdog, for the privilege of manufacturing and selling someone else's product that contains Kronos own technology in a globally limited territory? What am I missing here?

That said, given all this misleading information issued in the face of promised transparency by expert marketers and previous use of wordplay to bolster a reality, IE Dr. Gorobets historical position and horsepower, implicated current and fully owned status of historical technology, etc.

I would also question the actual terms of this supposed "exclusive" distribution agreement without explicit clarification from the company. A one liner from the same PR..

These products are being marketed under trademarks, KRONOS® AIR 5G® and AIRDOG®

Outwardly, this whole PR seems to imply something wonderful, and a quick read would seem to imply that Airdog is now handing off the distribution of all it's north and south america wholesale accounts to Kronos. For a ready made high flow revenue stream. However the exclusivity attached to the agreement may only encompass the less desireable of two entirely different potential scenarios. The loudest siren I'm hearing seems to be the use of the word "and" instead of "or", in the above quote.

Strategically placed, the word "and" could actually be a limitation in stead of a freedom. For example, Kronos may only carry this exclusive distribution rights on a manufacturer recognized rebrand of airdog products possessing all three trademarks simultaneously. And not the seemingly implied entire airdog Americas inventory distribution channel, under the terms of the agreement.

Especially since AirdogUSA, already utilizes a very large ecommerce Global distributor to fulfill global wholesale orders. As a matter of fact, since the agreement included a defined territory, it may actually just glorify a territorial restriction; moreso than protect a territory from manufacturer competition of the same product under it's original x5 name.

Whereby airdog may have agreed to not allow other x5 re-brands in Kronos territory, but retain the right to their own distribution channels of the original x5 branded models in the same space. All the while restricting Kronos from selling their Kronos re-brand outside of the americas, in say China, India or Europe.

The word "or" on the other hand would have defined an absolute, within the agreement. Whereby any item marked with any combination of the three trademarks would require any sales of Airdog products sold anywhere in north or south America to first pass through the Kronos distribution channel for a percentage of sale.

So what is the reality? Don't know for sure, until it gets definitively clarified by the company, manufacturer, or we see sales or lack thereof reflected in future filings to support or refute it. And is something I personally have no interest in pursuing.

But, I would say, these are coming from china, most likely in 40 foot freight containers if they are bulk. And since a distributor is generally responsible for distribution logistics of breaking down a freight container into smaller shipments to wholesalers or retailers, which is how a distributor makes their money, it would seem a somewhat challanging task to take on, in a 500 square foot second floor office suite or a U-store locker, and I haven't seen any PR to indicate that they have secured a larger warehouse. If you have found evidence of such a company commitment, please share.

But given all the other nails in the KNOS tire and their track record of misleading information, I personally would tend to believe the former scenario, before giving credence to the latter. Not to mention, wholesale Lots of most all of Airdog's products are available and ready to ship on a Global distributor's website. And Although I didn't open an account to see if it fulfills, but when I put US, and Brazil as shipping destinations, it didn't deny my query as unavailable destinations.

And for any that read this and may be sincerely interested in knowing the current status of Kronos proprietary technology patents according to USPTO, as it pertains to info above. they are listed in the same order as they appear in the patent section of latest filing. And the link takes you directly to the USPTO database for individual patent status.
link to Patent 7,410,532 ; link to patent 7,262,564 ; link to patent 7,248,003 ; link to patent 7,122,070 ; link to patent 7,150,780 ; link to patent 7,053,565 ; link to patent 6,963,479 ; link to patent 6,937,455 ; link to patent 6,888,314 ; link to patent 6,727,657 ; link to patent 6,664,741

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