Lunatic~ FillTheGap ~ post #22103 ~ I THINK it's reassuring?? ~
From the header on the NOBO LIST iHUB board...
The NOBO/OBO System The names of the ultimate beneficial owners of street name shares - i.e., the customers of the brokers and banks who have deposited the shares with DTC - are maintained by the brokers and banks, not by companies themselves. Recognizing that this
system left companies without direct contact with a large
proportion of their beneficial owners, the Commission adopted
rules in 1983, which went into effect in 1986, requiring
brokers and banks to provide companies with lists of "nonobjecting beneficial owners" (or "NOBOs") who did not object to
having their names and addresses supplied to companies.
This seems to confirm what the National Scottrade office told me today...namely that "unless you specifically request NOT to be on the NOBO list, you are, by DEFAULT, ON the NOBO list.