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Re: TedJ post# 88644

Monday, 04/13/2020 9:26:54 AM

Monday, April 13, 2020 9:26:54 AM

Post# of 104561
AMTRON Foundation Day Video from April 4, 2020

Shri Mahendra Kumar Yadava, Managing Director of AMTRON

Transcript from phone.

I wanted to come and bring the were arriving from but then I decided not to.

We need to maintain the lockdown in all possible situations and circumstances.

And business has been definitely bad and this is only reasons we did not achieve our related turnover because we have set ourselves last year. And more over we did not get all I wanted to Bumper and probably arrived, but then I decided not nevertheless.

We believe that several state governments are talking about cutting down salaries and so many other things, mainly because it's a really a time of crisis.

We also need to stand by our government and hour of need and I propose that we also need to contribute a part of our salaries to the efforts that the health department of government of Assam is trying to make to safe guard the state from the evil eyes of corona virus.

So I request that Ha… manager of HR take the lead in this and in a short period of time, maybe by Monday, we should be able to …

…. that is effort.

That is one thing.

Secondly, this is a time of distress. And unprecedented emergency situation. The business is definitely going to take a hit. There is no doubt about it.

But then we cannot sit quiet at the same time.

Number one. We have to evolve a protocol of how we do our duties, henceforth at least for about a year. How we can work from home how we can come to office. And what protocol we need to follow when we are at home and when we are in office. So we really need to get to work on that.

Secondly I can see one thing that even in Covid crisis, there are opportunities. For example, there would be disruption in the schools and colleges. I really do not know how, so many children can be in a school and maintain social distancing. If you have to seat one student, one and a half meters apart, which means that the school capacities itself will come down to one-third. So and not only that we do not know when the schools are going to open.

There is already a request from our honorable Minister IT, that AMTRON do something for online education in … constituency. I think it's a good opportunity for us. If we can demonstrate how the students can stay at home and still attend classes uninterrupted that would be a good contribution and a good model. If it works fine, then probably we can replicate it in other parts of the state. So there is one opportunity for us. To experiment very quickly and start a rollout in ??? using our own server and cloud and software platforms that we have and whatever is available on the free and open-source platform.

Today we are just trying to experiment with Jitsi. I think it looks good. Probably there are issues of bandwidth because we are straight away linked on to the internet through a browser. But if our IT teams, they do a local hosting of the application, I think we can do much better than that and we can have multiple instances of it for schools, for you know, for colleges and things like that where we have 40 to 100 room class classroom attending. Jitsi, it looks like kind of a good platform to me, but we need to quickly experiment with that

At this time of Covid, we must remember that many of our colleagues are in hospitals. They are helping the health department. Many of our network teams are on the road. They are helping to make the network up and make people stay connected, make the government offices stay connected. So it is not that AMTRON is not doing its bit for Covid and we must also be with our colleagues who are right now on the road and in the hospitals, trying to help other people fight the corona menace.

Meanwhile for the last one week the AMTRON team has provided a platform to the health department for training of their complete set of new doctors, nurses, paramedics, and others on Covid. And I'm glad that we have been doing it very successfully and it shows that yes, we can contribute at this time also to the government, to the people of ASSAM, and we need to continue doing that.

All of you may not be aware, but some of us are also trying to help in so many other ways. One example is this 3D mask. I’m not sure if you can see this. This 3D mask has been built-in AMTRON. And I showed it to the Health Department and they were very happy and they said that if you could really customize this mask for doctors, for nurses in different colors or different codes, it will be very good. But I am not sure how many of you can produce because we have a small machine and it takes almost, you know, three and a half hours to produce a mass of this size and productivity is really very poor. I'm not sure we can actually get a new machine or whatever we do, I'm not sure, but then these are some of the ways in which we can contribute. So 3D printing is an opportunity lot of Institutions and IITs are doing it in India and elsewhere outside in the world. So we all need to look into this direction that if we have sufficient materials, we can print masks. But these masks are not all that foolproof. So we have to be careful because masks anyway need to be tested before one goes in an infected area, but for a generic use, these are fine.

The next thing that I would like to share with you is that in this time of Covid when people need to stay indoors while we should think of developing or teaching remotely that is you know, classrooms through remote mechanisms. You could also think about running offices remotely, we have already an office application. If necessary, we can issue advertisement in the newspapers and sensitize people that AMTRON can provide a very meaningful, very good option to working from home and all decisions can be taken and all the matters can be disposed of. Let it be the private sector or public sector, or the government sector, or any other agency that would like to use our software, we should offer them.

The second thing which I was thinking that, you know, all of us need to put our minds to that.

The third thing which I was thinking about is that how we can actively participate in this moment of Covid crisis as because there is a serious shortage of test kits. There is a serious shortage of personal protective equipment (PPEs) and as you know, we already we have with us our two flow reactors lying with us in the Tech City. So last one week have been trying with this idea. Some progress has been made. We are kind of thinking that why not manufacture here nanoparticles, like gold nanoparticles or silver nanoparticles or carbon nanofibers, which we can make available to our, you know, locally. To make or strengthen the fabric or the meltdown fabric used equipment. We are talking to Health Department also and they have asked that if you can do some treatment using Nano for the polypropylene cloth material, which they are getting, so that either it's life is extended, or it is made more secure.

I'm thinking that we should take a target of about forty odd days because we already have a reactor. We have almost everything, other than chemicals and couple of other things, which we are lacking right now. We can put all this act together and if you want to do, we can start manufacturing gold and silver and carbon nanofibers. There is some mechanism which is required to be put in place, right now, for example input of one of the reactors, couple of, you know, things like Demineralizing plant and few things probably but these are within reach and if we decide we can contribute and also enrich ourselves in terms of our new experience, starting up actually our new system in the country as because to my knowledge there are not many people in fact what I could learn from one of the previous meetings on this occasion was that there are not more than one or two people who are capable of making uniform Quantum Dots or nanoparticles conforming to say 40 nanometers or 50 nanometers and we are lucky that we already have a reactor with us.

So we have an advantage. We have teamed with people like Quantum Materials Corporation of the USA. They are working on it and they are ready to help us achieve this target.

I am also going to move a proposal to the Mission Director of The National Health Mission Government of Assam that they allow us to start this initiative because we would need government support at this point of time in importing the various goods, machinery, raw materials, testing of these, you know, gold particles of silver particles and things like that. And if it all works out well, again, this is also, you know, a risky venture, but then probably we need to do something about it. We cannot just sit quite at this hour of need. If we can produce some nanoparticles, we will be able to help lot of health workers not only in this state but also elsewhere. So there is a big target, but I do not want to talk about it because this is a time of Crisis. Chances of failure also very high, while we may talk big, but putting even a fraction of that on the ground is going to be challenging.

The only good thing that I see is that we have already space. We also have part of the technology with us. We have to assemble the rest of it and start working. And in this regard we would like to ensure that some of us who are working on this project, they start putting in serious effort and probably you need to recruit a couple of experts, we are identified already. We have identified a couple of labs in Guwahati. They’re going to help us like IIST. We are also talking to one of the experts we are locally available. So all said and done, we are kind of working on a road map which is achievable and doable, that is one thing. And if you are able to make a mark at a little bit good for company. We will be making history. No doubt about it. But then this is the time when we need to be together regarding the time of Crisis.

Finances are going to be at the lowest. Probably I have not sure seen a situation like this in all this while I have been managing AMTRON. And funds are going to be in really shortage.

We have thought that we would be writing some new projects. We must not forget that the Government of India has and different couple of things especially in the field of quantum, in the field of communications, in the field of remote classroom. So we should put our act together in next one or two months. We should be able to write couple of proposals, send it to the GOI [central Government of India], because this year I really do not see much chance of getting any substantial amount of funding from the state government, because the governments of individual crises. We have to really depend on funding outside and that actually depend on how good you are able to write the proposals and we are able to convince the central government about the acceptability or the utility of the proposals that we sending so this is another task in front of us.

The target of our Tech City was supposed to be June, but we are going to miss that very badly. All the work has stopped. Nevertheless, while we will get extension for the projects, it is going to impact the investments very badly. But the line of hope is that if we are able to show something in the quantum materials, if we are able to produce some nanoparticles here, then at least one investment will be secure whenever, you know, when the business starts running towards the normal.

So, you know, these are some of the things that I really wanted to bring to all of you. One thing is there that no one wants, to me doesn't look like, that for another five to six months, how we are going to travel, how we are going to work in office. These are big challenges and in fact, how are you going to stay at home.

So everything is going to be a challenge in course of time. We all need to be aware of each other's requirements, needs. If any one of our colleagues need help, let us come out and help. Let us not be very stringent about rules, because this is the time after ?? some people may need money. Some people, you know, many leave. Some people may need to really work from home. Not many of us can actually come to office. So we have to be aware about everybody's needs and requirements. But at the same time, the aim has to be the same that we should try to keep our tempo high to come back because what I can see is that the overall predictions anywhere in the world are less than the economically great. Which means that, you know, we would not be even able to earn enough to get our salaries.

So if we just keep quiet sit at home and do nothing, then we are going for a very bleak future. So what we need is that we have to take maximum advantage of the fact that, we got to be now truly be online, not only for ourselves but for others. When we go online for others, probably we can make a business case for lot of private entrepreneurs, for lot of private companies, for lot of private entities, business entities, and some government entities also.

Probably we can bring some new ray of hope for our students in the state. As you may be aware, that online is the probably the only way that I can see. We have lot of tools. We have worked on a lot of tools. We need to actually, you know, sharpen them up, test them, make them better and, you know, start building some new brands in their coming times and put them in a market.

Even everybody's going to take a hit, including newspapers. So we also have to rely on online media, gather news online, probably, you know, I was thinking about kind of developing some crawlers using Python which could gather as specific news, specific reports, you know, which we could share, with each other and I think it's time that we start in a lot of people have started using Telegram as online channels. We can also think about starting some channels on the Telegram to communicate, keep updated, keep pushing the news so that whatever is happening around we all share. And you see this time some bit of good word in the media, some bit of good word in the government, set up some bit of good word in the higher-ups who do ???.

So whatever little we are able to do for example, if you want to contribute every one of us to this crisis, let us contribute our salaries. My salary does not come from AMTRON. So I have thought that I will give a separate check and so will give two checks, one for myself and one for all of you. And we also request our partners, if they agree, then one check from their side, we can present to the, you know, to the government. And then let us come out with good innovative online platforms.

Look at the learnings for how other people are doing. Set some of the best case examples in Assam we have the network. We have the data center. We have the cloud. We have the know we have the people. We have almost everything that we need to survive in this kind of, you know, kind of Crisis. Let us not only survive. Let us survive well and let us show an example to the world. And most important of all is we all must keep safe.

We all must keep well, we must all, you know, keep our families safe. That's very important because in fact all our backbone is family only. So let us keep our family safe, keep ourselves safe, I’d say the first preference is everyone should be safe. That is point number one. And then point number two is that if you are safe and you can contribute to the growth of AMTRON at this hour that will be really great.

So my request is all of you, keep safe, maintain distance. And then let us contribute to the growth of AMTRON to the extent it is possible and set some new examples as well. Because every crisis comes with an opportunity and we must not miss this opportunity as well.

And I wish you all good luck. I wish AMTRON good luck. We need to really pray to God that let this crisis pass and we all be well and the corporation be well. And financially we should not, you know, go down, we should try to go up. Because that is what is finally our aim and with these words and with prayer to God that let every one of us be safe and let everyone of us contribute to the growth of the corporation. I wish you all a happy AMTRON Day and thank you very much for listening and thanks a lot.

So profound about advances in some images of lighting of lamps in AMTRON. So I think it is done a wonderful job because no one is there. He's just sending a Telegram.

Okay, okay.

Telgram or image to Celestial body of a Primo.

Yeah, let me see.

The cup I said, can you see I should basic license. Yes, sir burnt charcoal for doing this bit.

Okay, that's really great.

Okay, so that was it.

Visiting fellow pacifist.

because I think this Jitsi platform is good. We can use it. Probably I request if somebody can relieve installer experiment with it confirmed by our conversion of Gogo, correct? What does my machine up?
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