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Re: Lindel post# 309799

Friday, 03/20/2020 11:48:28 AM

Friday, March 20, 2020 11:48:28 AM

Post# of 341750
Here's some reviews on American Green as of late:

What a shame of this company.... 500:1 split ... I lost 91% of the stock... you guys better do something. I invested in your company almost 3 years and look at your I earned 91% lost. Step down if you can’t bring the company to current - Nathan Luong, Instagram

What a waste of good $$$$$ could of used it on other companies - Sam, Instagram

I ain’t buying shit from you guys. Get your shit together then, and maybe just then, those of us that believed in you enough to invest may just support you. Rediculous at this point. - Knucklehead Sam, Instagram

For being one of the first publicly traded companies in this business you guys sure do suck at keeping the numbers up. I would love to see you guys actually respond to people with some real answers and data as to what you guys are really doing to succeed in this company. You guys never post any real news or data that’s worth anything. You guys fooled a lot of people in to believing you guys were actually worth a shit. Props for you guys on that success. Works is full of to many suckers. It’s just sad you guys had to revert to lying - Hapa Haole, Instagram

You did a split--you said you never would and I had close to a million shares and now I have nothing--you have screwed the share holders - Terri Groves, Facebook

can you please make a posting for your stock holders.. you are showing off all this stuff so proud and excited yet the stocks are constantly dropping losing ALL your stock holders ALOT of money.... you give us NO updates on stock issues. i trade on etrade and i can never find news on you guys other than your facebook and website posts which show amazing stuff happening yet the stocks are almost down to 0... how is it that your making all this money yet . WE the ones that believed in your business and gave our hard earned money to help build this in stock form are left in the Sh*t to lose all our money while you all sit back and get paid. - Tom Rapka, Facebook

There's a lot more out there, and a lot of unsatisfied shareholders. It's no wonder American Green doesn't hold shareholder meetings any more, or really provide any sort of communication except for their VP of vending posting on a stock message board telling everyone to call him...

This company is a sham.