Going to give Edwin some credit https://www.finansialku.com/kisah-sukses-frans-budi-pranata/ Article from today. So we had the 2 time CFO of the year in Indonesia, 2013 & 2105, working for us back in 2016? And it looks like he's back as an advisor now. https://id.techinasia.com/kinerjapay-pendanaan-26-miliar Scroll down, that's him on the left. http://budipranata.com/ A website called Billion Dollar Mindset, and wrote a book called "How to Build a Billion Dollar Startup" And this is where were at? What happened? Is there a chapter in the book titled "Writing Unlimited Convertibles"? If you were Edwin, you would think this was the right guy to hire right? Crazy. I don't get it.