Len - I think Skabar made a great and timely trade--a great move that has helped him right to the top.
However, in both dollar and percentage terms there is no way this can be considered the trade of the contest.
He froze his position at a value of $P 2810 (*). That's +181% on a $P 1000 initial position. Since then HCTL has declined about 29%.
(*) $P = PSL-bucks
On 10/26, I traded my CEDA position, down 18.2%, or $P 818, into FRPT (Double down) at 6.80, adding 120.2941 (aren't spreadsheets great!) new shares of FRPT. FRPT closed Friday at 14.26, giving an unrealized gain of $P 897.39 on the new FRPT shares. So it would appear that my trade (so far) has a 10% higher return in $P terms than Skabar's trade, and certainly the over 100% gain in my new position compares well to Skabar avoiding a 29% loss on his HCTL position by freezing it.
CEDA has actually recoved since the trade, so there may be some second-order math to do if you got REALLY anal, but I'll take that triple digit gain in FRPT since my double and not look back.
Actually, while I really like that trade, I have no reason to believe that someone else did not do better along the way. I suspect that if you looked back at other contestants whose as-traded portfolio stands significantly higher than their original-if-untraded portfolio would theoretically be, you very well could find some trades that beat the one that I made.