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Alias Born 09/29/2011

Re: oil export post# 160

Saturday, 02/29/2020 4:53:32 AM

Saturday, February 29, 2020 4:53:32 AM

Post# of 186
Holding DAC for any sustained period in the past 7 years was a grievous financial mistake.

Now may be a decent time to buy. Who knows.

2019 free cash flow was 40% of current market cap so that's not bad. Even with shrinking revenues the reduction interest expense might balance that out.

Keep dreaming about a dividend in Q2, not going to happen. Not unless Costas gets very irresponsible and there's no indication he's that reckless.

ll not sell a share of a profitable company! The company leases ships to other companies and the situation hardly affects it. After Q1 there will be dividend distributions. In my opinion it fits Long and I bought yesterday.

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