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Alias Born 06/07/2012

Re: asp42001 post# 17

Thursday, 02/27/2020 11:52:18 PM

Thursday, February 27, 2020 11:52:18 PM

Post# of 31
Texas Software As A Service fUSIOneers & Healthcare

Hand washing is a way to fight the Coronavirus. Unilever soap & other cleansing products are in demand like never before!

Unilever is on a list to receive Zero % interest loans from banks in China. 3M and Unilever can lend China a helping-hand, when it comes to fighting the spread of Coronavirus.

(SAS) Software-as-a-Service can't catch Flu. USIO with offices in San Antonio, Austin, Tx and Franklin, TN, works within the healthcare and payment industry. Software-to-Software FUSION can track, trace & pinpoint the Coronavirus. I own USIO & UN stock and will dollar cost average.

To contain a fast spreading virus, America will need real-time data feedback from Texas Software fUSIOneers & others.

[:}}} 1-877-PDS-PAYS! Accumulate & share Coronavirus data feedback ASAP!

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