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Alias Born 08/21/2007

Re: Zorax post# 7108

Thursday, 02/27/2020 6:28:58 PM

Thursday, February 27, 2020 6:28:58 PM

Post# of 15933
listen, the state of michigan controls the licenses. i feel like yelling, because some here need an education...just taking points out of my business plan for those interested


the fed controls the us treasury which is in debt over $21 TRILLION US DOLLARS (hope the fed never has too much pressure from that debt - rates ARE RISING!) just saying if the feds ever have to pay CHINA TREASURY debt, we don't have the money. what are we us citizens going to go ask the mexicans for the money? lol seriously, but still happy, right? i am.

if china and coronavirus demands payment in the, the us has no money......that is the feds. so, they could DEVALUE.....the us currency if the fed cannot support the debt. same like people. patrick has zero debt. i am clear and at the bottom guys. bottom feeder but honest one. i take the freebies, and there is no pump in accr because study the finra trade tickets, and see who the buyer of the ticket is and who the seller of the ticket.

i think quiet period equals turn on da lights period.

so the feds, and i am an economist....skilled and trained here:

post that link about me.

go ahead, it is all good if you only show the bad, and not the good. sure....sure the sec is fair to me. the sec to patrick knows that patrick the crazy guy is never going to be a problem for me.

we introduced ourselved for 30 minutes.

i like introductions.

i believe parents are responsible for the behavior of the children......heck ya! we teach them.

back to the feds....the fed is broke and the equity market is down 3000 in a couple of days....spook. not to me. i do not own anything except my accr. the fed is broke. we owe china. patrick owes i guess in part china too. i would like like a china/us war.

they could collect and destroy our army. could. they have nukes.

back to econ licenses 101

1. mi controls the licenses and taxes
2. the country controls taxes
3. the city controls the opt in clause to laws. the city controls also the permits to operate in the city
4. people choose where to live

PAIN NEVER GOES AWAY....JUST LIKE DEATH....FOR ME.....with my structural problems in the neck....and no one feels sorry for mercy. i believe in LIFE!

it is ok....... pain in the US....have a choice. i just want a chance to give them some legal pain meds, and charge them and gross 60-70% margins. the last time i saw a business make 60-70% net gross margins...let me share this real secret,,,,

the last time patrick j jensen realized real net margins in a real business was when i worked at Bear......and these greedy fund PMs they were called back in the early 90s......portfolio managers....PMs...those greedy people looking for yield found mexican paper. like bonds. pm's wanted higher yield than us paper, so the money went sount and they didn't trust the mexican brokers in the 80's and 90's nO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they went to us brokers like bear. like merrill. like goldman.......and the pm's would say, ""Yo! Frankie! Waz up!!!!!!!!!!!!"

back then, the pm's wanted higher yield from the customers of theirs like the PENSION FUNDS! that was back then rape and pillage territory. no one on wall street talks about this. they don't. it was our livelihood w2 we did not say anything. BEAR STEARNS CLEARING in NEW YORK CITY.....the TRADING DESK that Kimmy Cayne and Ace Greenberg controlled the MONEY! but not me. and now, having had it and then losing it......i was there guys.

i was there. in da promised land $4,700,000.00 cash in the bank!!!!

gone today. again no pity it is all good.

me, back then i was a kid. but i made $100,000 in Commissions my first year in da biz. i went on to produce over $5,000,000 in commissions in my best year in da biz. salesman.

growth of a natural born killer salesman - permission to print dat about me.

i was good.

i learned with the best in the biz.

i sat and worked to my first real money trader in 1992. His broker name was ####################.


He was my guardian angel back then. i like guardian angels. they are good. HE picked me. WHY? He said that when he hired me in 1992. he picked me because he told me that i could out drink him....and if he was going to take me to his mexicans, that i needed to drink more than him.


he said that to me when i was 23. i learned. he worked at bear in 80's/90's and produced $8,000,000.00 in COMMISSIONS ANNUALLY! WOW, i was with a millionaire i thought at 23.....i want that money. i saw what he had, and what i did not have. he showed me what he knew.

i learned well. by 1999......i was the FIRST EQUITY BROKER OFFERING THE MEXICAN BROKERS....i just lost my train of thought....

oh yeah, back to the feds...and the gravy train of profit from the MONEY in the US and MEXICO in the 80's and 90's was incredible.

why are they talking about AMERICAN EXPRESS BLACK CARDS? I never owned one. most i owned was amex platinum in 2003. i was so proud. so at bear, in the 90's i learned WALLSTREET. it was in my blood.

i have seen it and lost it!

the pension funds....that's it! the us pension funds $$$$$TRILLIONS$$$$$ seeking yield for their retirees money. the GLOBAL PENSION FUNDS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

they don't owe money like the feds which is broke.

i hope not.

back to where i was, that's right.....i forget what. patrick j jensen has a an IQ of 151. so what. all that matters is that i have $700 to my name.

those us pension funds called the us brokers, who called the emerging markets (dan cahill VIKING FUNDS) dan was the sr managing director of the desk at bear.

he took firm risk capital.

i watched it live!

he would pick up the phone....the only one with AUTHORITY at bear to do this.....he would pick up the phone, and call the mexican broker to buy bonds in mex paper or mex companies like cifra.

the juice was so fat back then.......60-70% margins i'm getting, the mex broker didn't have any money. brokerage mexican firms back then were they would call the mex pension funds to quote a bond price to buy or sell out of their inventory.

this was the flow of the money form mexico to us. it was huge spread....i got in the middle back then and learned the fat business.


BUY $50,000,000 mexican bonds now---> we'll keep class simple in US DOLLARS and not get into conversion rates and currency

DAN CAHILL.....he sent the orders only through 1 guy JOHN CARROLL back then,.,,,,,we all him JC at bear

i respect privacy.....but the money flow i will, EVERYONE ON A $50,000,000USD BUY ORDER TO BUY 2 year CIFRA CP commercial paper or 10 year mex bonds....back then everything was yield.

YIELD! the mex gov't back then paid 15%, and the CIFRA CP paid 20%....over time in the 90s everything came down.....YIELDS.............YIELDS WENT TO ZERO

so, if the mex gov't pays 15%, back then......and you has US DOLLAR paper in mex bonds, then you didn't care about tecquila and the next peso crash and devalue.

$50mln 15%-->$7.5mln clip 5% EVERY WAY DOWN BACK THEN

GOVT pays 15%, mexican broker clipps 3%, bear clipped 3%, and the pm clipped to pay their salesman was all about yield back then....

alot of people made alot of money making markets back in the 90's.............