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Re: price_and_volume post# 225

Thursday, 02/20/2020 10:59:06 AM

Thursday, February 20, 2020 10:59:06 AM

Post# of 246

any new information on iETH or iethereum will be helpful.

I am sincerely confused however. So ERC20 smart contract tokens remain forever, right?

so my logic says it will go way up in value when somewhere in the world it is selected as a transaction medium of choice, correct? Isn't the whole point of many of these tokens to be transactional? Therefore no limit on token price with demand at this point? correct. Sincerely asking for opinions. we all know the supply appears to be super limited.

what prevents businesses or small communities from using iethereum as their primary currency of business? wouldn't that alone define the value?

My math and logic says even 10k in global daily volume on average and the price continues way upward? please tell me where my analysis is flawed ?

exists on the ethereum blockchain as long as ethereum is around correct?