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Alias Born 01/23/2006

Re: machcobra post# 969

Thursday, 12/07/2006 3:50:30 PM

Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:50:30 PM

Post# of 47790

The present data security technology eradicates the threat potential of malicious code downloaded from an external data source onto a personal computer or the like.

Malicious code includes viruses, trojans, worms and such that may be loaded onto a computer from an external data source, such as the Internet, a network or an external data device (i.e., a floppy drive, CD ROM disc, etc.).

A computer with an application of the present inventive software technology installed, will remain completely safe from intrusion from all currently known hacker intrusion technologies.

There can be no file theft, data corruption, or nuisance applications (e.g., viruses) run on the computer. Nor will there be the downtime and technical service costs required to recover from exposure to these malicious codes.

The present inventive software technology does not rely on file scanners, virus definition patterns, Cyclical Redundancy Checks (CRC) checks, Name Address Translations (NAT), or similar strategies of current database driven security technologies.

Rather, the present inventive software technology exploits certain immutable hardware and software communication relationships underlying and basic to the system architecture of a computer to insure intrusion prevention.

Because the present inventive software technology is not database driven, it does not require malicious code definition updates. Therefore, it is not susceptible to new malicious codes or to mutation of existing malicious codes.

Further, hackers, cyber-terrorists and internet predators cannot breech a computer system running the present inventive software even if they possessed the source code and the complete design specifications. Again, this is because the security features of the present invention are not database dependent, but derive from the intrinsic architectural relationships of the computer's hardware and operating system software.

Implementation of the present inventive software technology is uncomplicated. If the user computer is on an intranet network, in most cases installation of the present inventive software will not require modifications of the user's existing intranet network.