I've got a couple of points I'd like to address. If they pizz you off, deal with it.
1. Why are you trading someone else's system and complaining? I'll assume your complaining as you call me out directly and attach a frown to it. Get your own system.
2. If you were following along, I've made 3 identifications in a row where there was negative divergence in the 60 minute charts and that pull backs were coming. They did and I capitalized on them. It appears as though you didn't. I also posted on my 60 minute chart the positive divergence that developed on Tuesday, at SPX 996, some 44 points below today's high.
3. If you jump into someone else's system mid-cycle, you assume the risk.
4. The "official" sell signal came early on Sept 24th in the upper 1020's on the S&P500. Today's close was 1029.85, pretty much a sideways wash.
Be careful when you make bad trades and then look for a scapegoat. I tell my guys when you make a positive trade off of something I've said, that's great. When you lose a penny, I don't even want to hear it. Take it to your local support group. I quit trading for almost a year so I could figure these markets out. Best thing I ever did. If you're going to keep trading off of my advice, jump on that little tidbit.
Grow up. This ain't grade school. I do my best to help. Be responsible for your own actions. Learn to read the 60 minute chart and the daily chart. It's all about time frames.