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Thursday, 01/16/2020 10:50:05 AM

Thursday, January 16, 2020 10:50:05 AM

Post# of 198708
The Last Republican President
Inside: The Deep Forces at Work to Remove Donald Trump – And the Whole Republican Party – From Power for 20 Years
"This could be a generational opportunity for the Democrats to lock in several very key segments of voters for a long time to come." – Dan Pfeiffer, Senior Obama Advisor

Dear Reader,

He’s cut my taxes.

He’s ended thousands of burdensome regulations, and presided over the best economy I’ve seen in my lifetime.

And while America’s always been the 800-pound gorilla on the global stage – this is the first Presidency I can remember where we’ve actually acted like it.

He’s appointed two Constitution-minded Supreme Court justices to the bench, has brought unemployment to its lowest level in 50 years, and has even forced Mexico to deploy soldiers and pay its fair share toward stopping illegal border crossings.

Even so… I know Donald Trump will go down in history as America’s worst President by far.

He will be vilified in public opinion… denounced in our history books… and be made a pariah on a level not even President Nixon experienced.

You see, as I write these words, a new force is building in America.

It is a political force that will be more consequential than the rise of FDR’s New Deal or Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America.”

In fact, the last time we saw a movement like this in America, not a single Republican could gain the Presidency for more than 20 years.

And as I’ll show you over the next few minutes, that’s exactly what I expect is about to happen again.

America is about to see massive changes, from the taxes you pay, to what the money you’ll have left over can buy, all the way down to where you vacation or send your kids to school.

For those who are unprepared for this next era in American history, the results could prove disastrous – both socially and financially.

But as I will show you in a moment, by understanding what is about to take place, you have the opportunity at this moment now to make a few moves to protect your family, safeguard your wealth… and potentially even make a small fortune as it all unfolds.

Because make no mistake… To people like me (and perhaps you) who value their freedom, and the tradition of limited government, the next two decades could be the most challenging years of your life.

Because I believe there’s little anyone can do to stop these changes, I prepared this message today to warn Americans about what I see coming, and share several steps you can take to protect and even grow your money as it all unfolds.

My guess is, as you read this, you’ll think that there’s no way that something like this could happen in America today.

After all, with employment at a 50-year low, a strong stock market, and a rapidly improving economy, how could anyone believe that the Republican party will be locked out of the Presidency for the next 24 years?

But as you’ll see, what’s happening has nothing to do with Donald Trump. The forces that will lock the GOP out of the White House for 24 years (again) have nothing to do with Donald Trump at all.

He’s simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My name, by the way, is Bill Shaw.

I’m a leading editor of the Baltimore-based investing research firm, Stansberry Research.

Our group was founded in 1999. Since then, we have grown into one of the largest investment research companies in America, serving hundreds of thousands of subscribers in more than 120 countries. As of this summer, we employ 15 certified public accountants, four PhDs, six chartered financial analysts and two chartered market technicians, and 27 of our employees hold MBAs.

You may know of our firm because of the work we did helping readers prepare for the crisis leading up to 2008 – and the chance to profit from the recovery since then.

We warned our readers to avoid Fannie and Freddie, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, General Motors and dozens of companies that have since collapsed. To my knowledge, no other research firm in the world can match our track record of helping people sidestep financial disasters the mainstream media fails to see coming.

And even though we now have more subscribers than many of America’s most popular newspapers, we don’t report the news… and we don’t accept any advertising.

We are a group of forward-thinking experts from various fields of industries and sectors, including finance, energy, science, pharmaceuticals, and technology.

We try to stay away from politics and almost never make political predictions. In our 20-year history, we’ve always seen Washington as just another obstacle to help investors overcome.

But today, we’re making an exception.

This urgent message is to help you prepare.
You see, the tide is already beginning to turn in America.

In the midterm elections held Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Republicans lost more House seats than they’ve lost in any election since the Watergate scandal.

Even worse…

Republicans lost seats in overwhelmingly pro-Trump states, from Alabama to Oklahoma to Utah.

Republican Defeats in Red Territory

How is it possible that Republicans are being crushed, all over the country, without a major scandal, in a strong economy, and in states Trump has overwhelming support?

The answer is the most important political story of our lifetimes…

Far more important than the stories that dominate the news… like Russia, or immigration camps at the border.

I’m talking, of course, about changing demographics.

In short - 10,000 Americans are turning 18 every day and joining the voting population for the first time.

But today’s young men and women are far more liberal than any other time in history - with polls showing that most of these new voters “reject capitalism.”

As a result, this radicalism is driving today’s Democratic Party farther to the left than any other time in American history.

It’s has already contributed to the rise of politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, who calls herself a Socialist, and inspired as many as 1,152 people to join the Socialist Party in a single day…

Just think: What will 10,000 new voters like this, turning 18 each day between now and the election, mean for Trump’s chances in 2020?

After all, President Trump only won the three Midwestern states he needed to win in 2016 – Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a combined 77,000 votes.

With 70,000 millennials reaching voting age each week today, it isn’t hard to see how the tide could turn in the 2020 election.

And it won’t stop there…

Using their soon-to-be unshakeable hold on power, I believe the new generation of Democratic Party leaders – what we’re calling the coming “Blue Wave” – will have profound consequences on America.

In short, we believe this coming political tidal wave will elect an entire legion of politicians who:

Reward their coalition of “Blue Wave” voters by establishing a $15 minimum wage nationwide.

Forgive most if not all of student debt (now totaling $1.5 trillion).

Institute a universal basic income that will cost taxpayers as much as $3 trillion a year.

Double or even triple America’s already staggering national debt as the country shoulders a more and more generous welfare state, to reward the Party’s backers.

Implement a national sales tax, and hike taxes on America’s wealthiest citizens, in order to partially pay for a national single-payer, government-run health care system.

You probably still aren’t convinced that President Trump’s re-election defeat is already doomed – that there’s no way even he can survive this.

After all, Donald Trump has already survived so much…. And in 2020 he’ll have advantages he didn’t before, like a booming economy and incumbency.

But just remember, the “Blue Wave” already put Democrats in control of some of the most conservative places in America during the midterm elections.

As a Republican President who’s facing this demographic wall, he’s simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

How do I know?

Because it’s happened before…

Does his face ring a bell for you?

To the vast majority of Americans, it doesn’t… though I’d be willing to bet most would recognize each and every one of his successors.

He’s Herbert Hoover, America’s 31st President.

In 1928, he came into office with a solid reputation as a savvy businessman. He had won a decisive victory in the Electoral College, despite never having held elected office before…

In fact, like Trump, Hoover came to power by defeating his out-of-touch New Yorker opponent, Governor Al Smith. Like Trump, he took office during a time of relative prosperity. And once in office, he also carried out protectionist trade policies, took a divisive stand against illegal immigration, and mounted a tireless campaign to protect American jobs…

He even slashed immigration to America by 90%, while cracking down on illegal immigration through deportations that targeted as many as 1.8 million people.

These actions won him the love of his die-hard supporters, and a wave of initial popularity in America.

If you asked any American in the year following Hoover’s victory in 1928, NO ONE would have ever dreamed that it would be another 24 years until a Republican won the White House again…

That for tens of millions of Americans, Herbert Hoover would be the last Republican president.

You see, behind the scenes, a new kind of political opposition was building. And America’s voting electorate was transforming in ways not just Herbert Hoover, but his whole GOP, were completely unprepared for… a force even bigger, and more permanent, than the economic disaster he’d soon be facing.

A massive “Blue Wave.”

Just like in 2018, the 1930 midterm elections saw Republicans suffering devastating midterm losses, losing 52 seats to Democrats.

It was a sign of things to come…

Two years later, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt won the Presidency in a landslide on a campaign that promised a massive expansion of the welfare state.

You may think this was due to the Great Depression – and that is partially correct...

But there was a much more important force at work… one which probably sounds familiar to you today.

FDR was unlike any president that had come before him.

He proclaimed it was his duty to take an activist role in managing America’s economy and natural resources.

He promised to get to work “distributing wealth and products more equitably, of adapting existing economic organizations to the service of the people.”

Once in power, his administration got right to work “spreading the wealth around,” as promised.

In the first hundred days of his Presidency, Roosevelt pushed through 15 major laws as a part of his New Deal program to massively expand government’s role in America’s economy.

His Agricultural Adjustment Act, for example, actually paid farmers to produce fewer crops, in order to bolster the incomes of his rural voters even as thousands of poverty-stricken Americans faced starvation.

He was the first President to institute a minimum wage – leading to massive unemployment.

In 1935, he created Social Security, laying the groundwork for America’s modern welfare state.

This was the only change he considered more important than America’s new minimum wage.

In those first years in office, no welfare program was too expensive for FDR to pursue. He ignored his campaign promise to balance the budget and ballooned the deficit to a then unheard-of $6.2 billion.

And as he poured billions of dollars into handouts to reward his supporters, he also punished his enemies with taxes and regulations.

His 1935 “wealth tax,” for example, hiked taxes on America’s wealthiest citizens to as much as 75% of their incomes.

Today, most people think that FDR got re-elected to unprecedented third and fourth terms because his policies helped fight the Great Depression, but that’s simply not the case.

Inflation levels reached as high as 10% a year in FDR’s America, and unemployment averaged 18% during his first eight years in power.

But to the masses clamoring for his handouts, it didn’t matter…

Four years later, they awarded him an epic mandate with his decisive re-election, even though unemployment was 60% higher than it had been when he’d taken power four years earlier.

FDR won re-election with the largest popular vote majority of any presidential candidate ever up until that time.

How did FDR win presidential elections again and again, despite presiding over so much misery?

Reward your supporters. Punish your enemies.

In his famous Madison Square Garden speech, he called his political opponents “enemies of peace” as well as bankers and war profiteers, and said of them, “I welcome their hatred.”

Because FDR knew something his opponents didn’t: the masses want to be promised something that they wouldn’t have to pay for.

After his re-election victory, the U.S. entered recession again in 1937, with unemployment spiking to 20%.

But again, that hardly mattered…

Ultimately, the stretch of one-party rule in America under Democrats would last 24 years.

It took a nationally celebrated war hero in Dwight Eisenhower to finally return the White House to Republicans in 1952. But by then, America was unrecognizable from what it had once been.

America Transformed
In those 24 years of a progressive White House, the national debt soared 956%, from $23 billion to $243 billion, while the dollar lost more than half its value… including a 75% devaluation practically overnight with the 1934 Gold Reserve Act.

Observing the stagnation, heightened taxes, and persistent poverty in the United States, the British magazine The Economist wrote in 1938 that, “for the moment, the United States seems to have forgotten how to grow.”

That’s because, while FDR’s handouts bought voters’ loyalties by the millions, they couldn’t buy anything else.

Not prosperity… not lasting peace… and certainly not any kind of security for America’s working class.

And today– the system of government overreach FDR put in place remains in place, and it is about to be cemented by a new generation of voters who demand government take an active role in their lives and finances.

Just like before, the new “Blue Wave” of Democrats is making promises that will buy them voters’ loyalty for a generation.

In California, for example – America’s largest state by far – the Democratic Party has officially adopted the cause of a universal basic income into their political platform – a program that guarantees every citizen a fixed amount of income.

And now even more conservative states like Georgia, Mississippi, West Virginia and North Dakota are beginning to seriously consider basic income for its citizens, too.

While the intentions of guaranteeing every U.S. citizen a minimum income are well-intentioned, mark my words:

These coming mandates will have catastrophic consequences.

According to nonpartisan economists, universal basic income could ultimately cost American taxpayers as much as $3 TRILLION per year in new taxes.

The scary part is, the left has even managed to convince those on the right that it can work – that it’s a GOOD idea.

For example, the conservative economist Charles Murray has recently come out in favor of universal basic income.

And even the right-wing think tank, the Adam Smith Institute, is now supporting the idea.

And this is just the start…

The same sense of entitlement will overtake our health care system, too…

Medicare-for-all – an idea for government-run health care so radical only Bernie Sanders used to support it in the Senate – now has the support of 120 co-sponsors in Congress.

Kenneth Thorpe, professor of health policy at Emory University, places the cost at $2.4 trillion a year.

If you thought Obamacare was a disaster, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Already, the leading Democrats for the 2020 nomination for President are calling to forgive Puerto Rico’s $70 billion debt.

Do you think that’s about good fiscal policy – or about the 300,000 Puerto Ricans – all eligible to vote upon registering – who have moved to the crucial swing state Florida since last year?

Meanwhile, Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren – surging in polls – has introduced a plan to cancel $640 billion of student debt.

Who will pay for it? You guessed it.

Warren’s proposal is based on tax hikes – targeting America’s highest earners.

Now, politicians will tell you these proposals are about things like “fairness” or “equality.”

But what they’re really about, like everything in politics, is power.

As the political scientist Harold Lasswell observed, politics at its core is about “who gets what, when, and how.”

Today is no different. And as the “Blue Wave” gains strength in 2020 and beyond, the next generation of America’s voters – the millennials – will be deciding who gets what, when, and how.

And that brings me to the most important part of my research – what this new era of politics will mean for you.

The Real “Blue Wave” Is Coming
The coming “Blue Wave” is much bigger than just one or two election cycles.

Because each year going, there will be millions more young voters that join their ranks.

This is becoming so impossible to ignore, even the mainstream media’s catching on:

This is it – the “Blue Wave” is here.

As one retiring Republican Senator, Jeff Flake, warns, “At a certain point, the flood becomes the thing most worthy of attention… It might be time to build an ark.”

Or as Pat Buchanan, former senior advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan and one-time GOP presidential candidate puts it, the Republican Party is facing “a demographic death sentence.”

In short, it’s time to prepare.

After all, when you see poll after poll showing a majority of millennials now reject capitalism…

When Quinnipiac polling shows that just 19% of Americans aged 18-29 approve of Trump’s Presidency…

And when political scientists like David Andersen of the Iowa State University warn that the millennial vote “really could create one-party rule in this country for the first time in 50 years”…

It’s time to start asking…

What Will America’s Changes Mean
for Me?
Unfortunately, I don’t believe these changes coming to America can be stopped.

Demographics are destiny. The “Blue Wave” will only grow stronger in the years to come.

There’s no way of stopping it – but understanding how it could impact the economy and your wealth could allow you to be among the few who not only survive but prosper in coming years.

Remember, during the last major “Blue Wave” in America, the national debt soared… the dollar lost more than half its value... and unemployment hit 25% in America.

With FDR’s Executive Order 6102, for example, he even made it illegal to own gold coins, gold bullion, or gold certificates.

Americans who failed to turn over their gold faced...

1) a 10-year jail term

2) plus a penalty of twice their investment’s value (up to $10,000)

Then, after he confiscated all the gold, FDR immediately RAISED ITS PRICE, effectively cutting the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar by nearly half!

It’s astounding, but it’s true… the worse things got in FDR’s America, the more emboldened his government became to trample on people’s liberties and property rights even further.

I know it is difficult to believe that something like this could happen again in America today.

But desperate governments can go to lengths you’d never imagine when their coffers begin to run dry.

We don’t even have to go as far back as FDR’s America for examples of this.

Just think back to 1973 when Richard Nixon ended the gold standard that tied the dollar’s value to gold.

What followed was a decade of “stagflation” – economic stagnation paired with soaring inflation.

The dollar’s value fell 56% over that time, robbing HARDWORKING AMERICANS OF THE VALUE OF THEIR SAVINGS.

More recently, the Obama administration, forced Chrysler’s secured creditors – who were legally entitled to “absolute priority” in repayments for their investment, to accept 30 cents on the dollar, while the administration’s labor allies received much more from the bailouts.

But based on the political situation in the United States, what I see coming will look less like what we’ve seen in America, and more like what’s happened in socialist Venezuela, where Nicolas Maduro’s cash-strapped regime devalued the country’s currency by 96% while hiking the minimum wage by over 3,000%.
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