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Alias Born 04/21/2011

Re: None

Thursday, 01/09/2020 12:13:08 PM

Thursday, January 09, 2020 12:13:08 PM

Post# of 58280
Oh ye of lil faith. Take y'alls money and go waste your time somewhere else. I'm very happy to gamble on Jan. In fact these are opportunities to get established to make huge gains if you have the stomach for it. Don't understand why people post comments that aren't about making money. The sad part would be if you were not getting compensated in one way or another. I realize all things are gambles, just that some bets are way riskier then others. My motive here is to make money. What is yours?

If I don't respond it's probably because I have you on ignore. Life can be pretty loud and I just did not want to deal with more noise.

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