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Re: tutt1126 post# 580851

Sunday, 12/08/2019 10:00:58 PM

Sunday, December 08, 2019 10:00:58 PM

Post# of 800525
Yes, CLAIMS (generically speaking) are valid. CLAIMS have merit in Sweeney's Court. That was evident in her statements 19 Nov 2019 when she stated (regarding purchase of shares after NWS. This is really a great argument put forth by our lawyers, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Hume. Initially, it appears Judge Sweeney didn't see the difference between owning stock and owning property.):


23 THE COURT: And what people do after the date
24 of taking is on them, but I won’t necessarily find that
25 they have standing in a Fifth Amendment taking lawsuit.


1 MR. THOMPSON: And I would just say, Your
2 Honor, I think stock is different. I agree with your
3 world view, but because of the fungibility, because of
4 the way the capital markets work, it’s -- and because
5 rights do travel, like the contract claim, that’s what I
6 would respectfully ask the Court just to think about is
7 stock different, and we say it is.
8 Thank you.
9 THE COURT: And I’ll get you one -- I just -- I
10 think in my ruling what I may do is include standing.
11 I’ll just have to -- I’m still mulling. I have a solid
12 draft of a decision, but what I may -- I think logical
13 next steps would very well be for -- because clearly one
14 or all parties will be dissatisfied or disagree with my
15 ruling, and certification of questions to the Federal
16 Circuit, I think, would make good sense because perhaps
17 by that time we will have rulings in other cases, and the
18 Federal Circuit can give guidance in this case, and then
19 I’m not guessing.
20 The Federal Circuit can take a look at what its
21 sister circuits have done in similar cases, and it may
22 say -- the panel may decide we don’t care what other
23 circuits have done because this is a Court of Federal
24 Claims Fifth Amendment takings case or an illegal
25 exaction case. You know, I think it was in the Winstar


1 cases, every Circuit Court ruled against the Plaintiffs,
2 but in this Court, Judge Loren A. Smith, who was then the
3 Chief Judge, ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, and he was
4 the one who was ultimately affirmed by the Supreme Court.
5 So, you know, numbers can give a lowly trial
6 judge comfort, but it doesn’t tell the story. It depends
7 upon the claims and what the jurisdiction is of the
8 Court. So I think perhaps after I rule, and I promise to
9 give you a lot to chew on and mull over and meditate on,
10 I think next step should be certifications of questions
11 to the Circuit. I just throw that out.
12 MR. THOMPSON: Thank you, Your Honor.
13 THE COURT: Yes, Mr. Hume.
14 MR. HUME: Thank you, Chief Judge Sweeney.
15 Just very quickly, I wanted to offer two thoughts in
16 response to the Court’s observation that those who bought
17 the stock after the net-worth sweep, it’s on them in
18 terms of --
19 THE COURT: And I don’t mean they’re evil or --
20 MR. HUME: No, I know you don’t.
21 THE COURT: -- I mean this whole --
22 MR. HUME: No, no, I know you don’t mean that.
23 THE COURT: -- this country has been built on
24 people with moxie and grit who speculate and they have
25 foresight and they can find a way to legitimately find a


1 place in the market where they can take an advantage, as
2 you will, and be highly successful. And godspeed to all
3 those people. So I wasn’t --
4 MR. HUME: No, no, no.
5 THE COURT: -- I wasn’t --
6 MR. HUME: I didn’t interpret it that way --
7 THE COURT: Okay.
8 MR. HUME: -- at all. I interpreted it through
9 the lens -- through the lens of the takings clause legal
10 standards because what I heard, maybe incorrectly, had
11 nothing to do with hostility to the people, but was if
12 somebody buys -- and this is normally, I think the issue,
13 when somebody buys property that’s already subject, say,
14 to a land use regulation. In the context of a regulatory
15 taking, their reasonable investment-backed expectations
16 are going to collide with what they knew when they bought
17 the property.
18 And what I wanted to suggest for your
19 considerations -- consideration -- and, again, the class
20 is sort of straddling this issue because our Plaintiffs
21 meet -- our class representatives meet the definition
22 both ways and we’ve pled the class in a way that covers
23 both, but is this -- the taking -- if it’s per se taking,
24 which we think it is, then the whole issue of
25 expectations about the property being taken isn’t


1 relevant. It’s simply a per se taking, and that stock,
2 which really has no rights left to it, they keep saying
3 we still have the stock. We have stock with 100 percent
4 zero right under any circumstances to get anything, no
5 matter how much money these enterprises make. So what is
6 it? It is nothing more than the claims -- the legal
7 claims against that net-worth sweep, and those travel
8 with the stock. And if it’s a per se taking, I think
9 it’s easier to see that.
10 However, even if it’s a -- even if you decide
11 to test this case through the regulatory takings
12 framework, which we don’t think is the correct way, but
13 even if you did, in the District Court, and maybe this
14 will be fought out, but I think it’s pretty clear that
15 the legal standard there is a breach of the implied
16 covenant, which also looks at reasonable expectations,
17 and it looks at what a reasonable investor would have
18 expected before the net-worth sweep.
19 And so I think the standard would still be an
20 objective one of what a reasonable investor would have
21 expected, even if you went the rubric of regulatory
22 takings, but my suggestion was it might be helpful to
23 seeing how the claim would run with the stock if you
24 looked at it as a per se taking, and maybe that legal
25 standard impacts this question potentially.


1 So I just wanted to offer that suggestion.
2 THE COURT: Thank you. I appreciate your
3 insights.
4 MR. HUME: Thank you.
5 THE COURT: Thank you.

Judge is granting defendant's motion to dismiss WITH RESPECT TO DIRECT CLAIMS AND denies defendant's motion to dismiss with RESPECT to derivative claims.


this is how I read from it.

Not necessarily. If impeachment hearings are successful and President Trump is removed, this will all come to a screeching halt real fast. Rule of law will be ignored. Even if President Trump is not impeached, there's a lot of damage that can be inflicted by rogue Treasury/FHFA/TBTF banks/Federal Reserve/DEMS.

The latest is FHFA desire to hire an advisor from the investment banking community to oversee capital raise. Weren't they the ones who caused so many of the problems leading up to the '08 financial crisis?

DEM policies have been and continue to be utilizing F&F to enhance 'affordable housing' for under-qualified, economically challenged sections of the population thru the politicization process. That can only mean one thing. The lowering of the bar for loan qualification to substandard levels and DEMS have made it clear their intent to accomplish that by maintaining a "death grip" control over the GSE's. TBTF banks and Treasury seem perfectly happy in going along with that mantra as demonstrated by their actions to date, as long as it continues to serve them well in satisfying their voracious appetites for cash.

Also, keep a watchful eye on the out-of-control Federal Reserve pumping $4 TRILLION+ into the repo markets since mid-Sept 2019 to keep interest rates in check. This cannot have a happy ending. We're not out of the woods yet. Watch your six.

Another possible hiccup: A change in presidential administrations with a Democrat in the White House and the Democrats controlling both houses of Congress. While the Trump administration is leery of the government playing such a direct role in housing market, Democrats are likely to want to retain control of both agencies to make sure they follow through on their public-policy goals of providing affordable housing (Both Fannie and Freddie were created through acts of Congress).

All aboard! Seatbelts on? We our going for one hell of a ride North.