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Alias Born 01/17/2011

Re: RyNo_23 post# 29659

Friday, 11/22/2019 4:34:26 PM

Friday, November 22, 2019 4:34:26 PM

Post# of 29692
Hey bud... hope you’re well. Just wondering how one can reply to these genius gurus. They are worse than the penny stock pimps. It’s pretty clear folks are going along status quo and we’ve got a long way to go before we see so much as a tingle. The geopolitics of the region may never play out nor in a manner that nets us much if any return. The incessant hype about dates, rates, contracts, etc. is nauseating. I keep mine stashed in an old Animal Crackers can in the cupboard... fitting imo. Take care!

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